3 thoughts on “December 10, 2007”

  1. From the looks of all the pictures on this site, you either have to be a hot babe to do Crossfit, or Crossfit turns you into one.

    I hope those two gals make a post today, to give a report on their level of muscle comfort two days after that burning WOD they completed on Saturday. I would love to know if they feel great, are at the chiropractor, got up at 5am for today’s CFWU, or went and bought cigarettes and liquor to pour over and ignite their Crossfit t-shirts.

    I did today’s WOD.
    3×85, 3×95, 3×105, 3×95, 3×85, 3×85, 3×85

    Even at 105 I felt like I could probably throw more weight in the air, but I also had a feeling that it might land on my head. My core strength and core confidence is not what it needs to be. Also I was doing a push press the first two sets of 85-95 because I did not have the jerk technique correct. My technique was not good, even when I started getting the hang of the dip and press for the finish. Just one more Crossfit technique for me to put on my list of things to practice. My max shoulder press has been 100, so I topped that with the 105, but I understand that I should be able to press jerk about 30% more weight than my max shoulder press. So, I have some work to do.

    Did some pull-ups and dips today. After seeing Breck do kipping pull-ups like a machine up close, I really have a great visual goal in my head to work towards. My left shoulder seemed to have a minor hurt last week when I was doing dips, but laying off of them a few days seemed to cure it.

    I also got in 5 minutes of jump rope today. Still no Buddy Lee jump rope, but once Breck sends me all the pictures of myself at the Saturday WOD, I think I will have enough pictures to publish and sell a Yeti calendar to get the cash.

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