October 10, 2008

Friday 081010


Five rounds for time of:
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees

Post time to responses.

The substitution for one muscle-up is 3 pull-ups and 3 dips.

This is a “Hero” workout dedicated to a Missouri Firefighter, Ryan Hummert, 22, who was killed by sniper fire July 21st 2008 when he stepped off his fire truck responding to a call. He is survived by his parents Andrew and Jackie Hummert.

OkieDB 100 Day Go Home Burpee Countdown

Burpees = 13 Total Burpees = 91


10 thoughts on “October 10, 2008”

  1. 12 burpees for yesterday
    13 burpees for today

    Did yesterday’s WOD, but could only get in 5 rounds

    3 x 185
    3 x 225
    3 x 255
    3 x 275
    3 x 285

    285 felt pretty heavy today!

  2. “Ryan”

    Five rounds for time of:
    7 Muscle-ups (subbed 3sets of 7 pull-ups & 7 dips each round)
    21 Burpees

    Time: 47:55

    Hmm.. I’m not sure if it was the dips or the burpees that killed me? Probably a bit of both!!! ; )

    Great job Matt! Thanks for the inspiration w/out the singing! : )

  3. 52/m/190

    Did “Mr. Joshua” new Hero WOD
    5 rounds for time of run 400m, 30 glute-ham sit-ups, 250lb. deadlifts 15 reps

    I modified by running on treadmill at O% incline, doing sit-ups on the floor, and deadlifts at 200lbs.

    My time: 47:45

    I am having trouble with my left calf. Any running and it tightens up. I had to fast-walk some of the running.

    I did back squats

    I did OHS

    I did shoulder press
    20x75lbs. broken 10, 4, 4, 3

    I did dumbell shoulder press
    10x20lbs. dumbells

  4. “Ryan”

    Five rounds for time of:
    7 Muscle-ups (modified 3 sets of 7 pull-ups & 7 dips each round)
    21 Burpees

    Time: 25:30

    Shpanks…and congrats Nicole…you still bad assed your way through even though you have the plauge. I think it was the dips that got you. I probably should have sang anyway…it would have knocked off 10 min from your time…easy ; )

    The pull ups got me…my hands feel like acid. So I need to start either wearing gloves or my hands just need to man up.

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