June 24, 2014

Tuesday 140624

30-25-20-15-10-5 rep rounds for time of:

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Men 75#, Women 55#)

Hand release push-ups

Post time to responses.

 Hannah (KB swings)

36 thoughts on “June 24, 2014”

  1. 5×10 OHS 135lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs, 175lbs, 6 @185lbs.
    WOD of 30-25-20-15-10-5 of 75lb SDHP and hand release pushups = 12:57

  2. Did Thursdays WOD:

    “Lynne” (175# Bench Press)

    1- 8BP, 25 pull ups
    2- 8BP, 25 pull ups
    3- 8BP, 20 pull ups
    4- 7BP, 17 pull ups
    5- 6BP, 16 pull ups

    Total- 140

  3. OHS: only to #105-115? but both Jim and I felt good with that

    WOD: 8:56

    Both Jim and I got ripped during that workout but because of the fur on Jim’s chest however it wasn’t as easy to see on him. Good work though Jim!

  4. Damn Chandler, Tanner better watch out before you catch up with him.

    10@85-95-105-115-135 (PR for 10, missed 10@125 last time we did this)
    Fun working with you, Ali!!

    Mod WOD
    4 rds
    10 OLS with one arm assist on parallel bars
    ~20 ft handstand walk (some 2-3, but mostly 7-8 steps, longest was 14)


  5. OHS
    10 @ 75, 95, 115, 135 (questionable depth on first 2)
    4 @ 155

    WOD as rx’d

    Unbelievable OHS, Mitchell.

  6. North dallas Crossfit
    8 amrap
    10 KB sumo DL high pull (26#)
    20 double unders
    30 KB thrusters
    40 burpees

    1 round and completed double unders in second round.

  7. OHS up to 55#

    WOD w/55# SDHP and push ups (No hand release–but did all regular push ups..didn’t have to go to the knees!!!)


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