December 17, 2014

Wednesday 141217

21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:

Hang power snatch (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs)

Ring dips

Post time to responses.

Compare to October 2, 2013.

Joy & Keith

CFJ Holiday Party at Upper Crust Pizza (9110 South Yale Avenue) this Thursday, 6:30pm!  We will only have the 4:30pm class.  The 5:30 & 6:30 classes will both be canceled.  Please RSVP to if you plan to attend.

31 thoughts on “December 17, 2014”

  1. Strength: 7 reps of 2. Started @ 16 #’s ended with 46#’s
    21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
    Hang power snatch (Men 135 lbs, Women 95 lbs). 31#’s
    Ring dips. Bars dips still not very deep
    Time: 9.58

  2. Hang Power Snatch 2 ea @ 35-40-45-50-55-60-65

    WOD scaled: 55#, jumping bar dips/negatives 9:16
    Still feeling pretty weak from this intestinal virus that’s going around.

  3. HPS up to 105#
    WOD w/10 bar dips per round (last round just 9) – with and without band, blah blah blah…working on depth
    First time w/95#…loved it ❤️❤️

  4. @CrossFit Enid
    3 minute rest between each 10 minute AMRAPs
    #1- 10 min AMRAP
    Row 150 meters; 8 Kettlebell swings (55#); 3 Burpees touching target 6″ above reach.
    Completed 7 rounds
    #2- 10 min AMRAP
    25 double unders; 10 Front rack combo of single right & left standing lunges & then 1 push press (95#); 5 L-pullups (substitued kipping L-pullups)
    Completed 2 rounds + 25 DUs
    #3- 10 min AMRAP
    Row 20 calories; Farmer’s carry 45# each arm for 50 meters; 10 sit-ups
    Completed 3 rounds
    #4- 10 min AMRAP
    Row 250 meters; Front leaning rest (straight arm plank hold) for 30 seconds; 5 power snatches (135#)
    Completed 4 rounds + 143 meters
    finished with 100 GHD situps and 150 pushups

  5. HPS
    145 x2, 155 X 1

    wod with 135# and bar dips
    ripped on round of 9’s finished dips about 12min
    not a fan of the hang

    from the pic o’ the day: Andy and BP so strong they can lift the barbell with their minds…

  6. HPS
    WOD w/ 75#(started with 85 then had to peel weight..thanks again Ben)
    10:58 ugh dips never get easier

  7. Hang power snatch: 7×2
    95-115-135-145-155-165(f-2nd rep) didn’t attempt last set

    As Rx’d
    Time: 8:52
    Last time was 12:04 @ 115

  8. HPS sets of two
    1@155 (have done 2 before but not today)

    WOD w/ 95# and 9-6-3 bar dips (plenty for me…. Took forever)
    Snatches broken each round into 10/6/5, 8/5/2, 9… Dips ALL singles

  9. Paul 40/m/165/5'9"

    Strength – Hang power snatch 8×2
    75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125(f), 115, 115(1)

    Wod with 95lbs and bar dips

  10. Boot camp w/Kristi and Missy

    Warm up:
    40 Jumping jacks
    Skipping – to water fountain and back 2 times
    10 walk outs
    Flutter kicks – to water fountain and back 2 times
    2 minutes jogging on spot
    20 dumbbell presses
    20 dumbbell squats

    100 Jump Rope
    15 Kettlebell Swings
    100 Jump Rope
    20 Med Ball Crunch
    100 Jump Rope
    15 Wall ball cleans
    100 Jump Rope
    20 Med ball Wood chops
    100 Jump Rope
    15 Kettlebell Deadlift High Pull
    100 Jump Rope
    20 One-Arm Bent-Over Kettlebell (dor Dumbbell) Row (10 eac arm)
    100 Jump Rope

    Throw 12# and 14# ball back and forth 20 times. Had skills written on board and
    ea person draws a number and then pick one of the eight skilss to do that number.
    After both finish their choice..throw ball again 20 times and pick again until all 8 skills done:

    10 burpees
    15 push ups
    20 sit ups
    25 box jumps
    30 walking lunges
    35 air squats
    40 knees to elbow
    45 dips from box

    WOD 3
    5 burpees
    10 push ups
    4 burpees
    8 push ups
    3 burpees
    6 push ups
    2 burpees
    4 push ups
    1 burpee
    2 push ups

    Ab exercises:
    10 V ups
    20 toe touches
    10 twists ea side
    10 single leg crunches ea leg
    10 double leg crunches
    10 pulsators

    1 minute plank hold

    A lot of work tonight!!! See everyone on Monday!

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