April 1, 2015

Wednesday 150401

For time:

200m Run

10 Power Snatch 105/70 RX+ 135/96 55+ 85/60

20 Back Squats 105/70 RX+ 135/96 55+ 85/60

400m Run

8 Power Snatch

16 Back Squats

600m Run

6 Power Snatch

12 Back Squats

800m Run

4 Power Snatch

8 Back Squats

Post time to responses.


43 thoughts on “April 1, 2015”

  1. Pwr Snatch + OHS + Hang Sq Snatch
    5 sets @ 115-135-155-165-175(f) lost the hang sq snatch in the hole.
    WOD RX – 15:30, unbroken w/ slow runs
    Great job Shannon, couldn’t keep up with your runs!

  2. Strength-PS, OHS, HSS went light and worked on form. 70#
    WOD: 14:45
    Thanks for pushing me, Tyler! Great job 5 am!

  3. Pwr Snatch + OHS + Hang Sq Snatch
    5 sets @ 95# (only completed 3, OHS still hurts the wrists too much)
    WOD RX – 14:00, unbroken

    Hahaha Stone.

  4. Breck, Diener and I were talking and today is day 1 of the burpee challenge.
    Ever day add a burpee

    100 days = 5050 burpees

    Those that complete it are in the drawing for a free month!!!!

  5. Stone, I was drinking at the gym Friday when we discussed this so I for sure wasn’t in my right mind but I’ll go along with you since I’m so outta shape. It’s sure nice of Breck to encourage our fitness by donating a free month.

    Andy B is big time now on TV every night – he doesn’t have time to post.

    Strength Complex
    95,115,135,155,175 (failed HSS)

    wod with 105#, row last 1000m

    1 burpee

  6. Strength thru 95#…hang squat snatch was ugly!!

    WOD as rx’d = 15:10….literally ran at a turtle’s pace but sadly that is all I had. 🙁

  7. I like burpee challenges. Can’t get a free month but I’ve been wanting to do this for a while so I’ll join in from Pennsylvania with everyone.

    1 burpee

  8. Strength Complex
    115, 125, 135, 145 (f HSS x 2)

    WOD as rx’d
    Lots of walking on the “runs” due to LBS.

  9. Strength up to 115#

    WOD w/ 95#
    17:?? ( all I know is as I was coming in on my last run my wife informed me how she kicked my ass and I am slow- thanks Jen)

  10. Thanks B! I just saw that…I was trying to get under 12:05 (Jamie) since I love running WODs. Thanks for the mis-post Jamie it pushed me

  11. North dallas CrossFit
    Met con first:
    Amrap Rx
    200m run
    20 kb swings (35#)
    5 jerks (95#)

    4 rounds + 200m

    8 EMOM
    Odd- 8 front squats (95#)
    Even- 8 T2B

  12. Strength: up to 185 failed squat snatch

    Wod w\115- 16:13
    Absolutely hate running and I puked. Hate running! Hate running! Almost forgot inhate to run

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