September 8, 2015

Tuesday 150908

“Burpee Snatch Ladder”

For Time:

20 Over The Bar Burpees

10 Squat Snatch or Power Snatch to OHS 55/35 or 75/55 or 95/65

18 Over The Bar Burpees

8 Squat Snatch or Power Snatch to OHS 75/55 or 95/65 or 115/80

16 Over The Bar Burpees

6 Squat Snatch or Power Snatch to OHS 95/65 or 115/80 or 135/95

14 Over The Bar Burpees

4 Squat Snatch or Power Snatch to OHS 115/80 or 135/95 or 155/105

12 Over The Bar Burpees

2 Squat Snatch or Power Snatch to OHS 135/95 or 155/105 or 175/110

Post time to responses.

Jessica (Barbell push-up)

34 thoughts on “September 8, 2015”

  1. Strength: tempo training – Overhead squats (5 sets of 4-5)
    135x 4; 155x 2; 155×2; 155x 3; 155×2 (went to heavy, thought it would get easier…)
    WOD as rx’d: 21:20
    10 Squat snatch -95; 8 squat snatch -115; 6 squat snatch -135; 4 squat snatch -155; 2 power snatch + 1 OHS -175

  2. Strength: 5×4 @ 95#

    Ego check in full effect.

    10 @ 65# squat snatch
    8 @ 75# power snatch to OHS
    6 @ 95# ps to OHS
    4 @ 115# ps to OHS
    1 @ 135# ps to OHS (PR) (fail make fail fail)

  3. Strength up to 155.

    Wod with final set at 175, tap and go all the way to 155, drop and reset at 175, no misses through out. Think time was 15:58? Good to be back at Jenks!!!

  4. Tempo OHS

    Thank YOU, Brandy! I totally would have done 85lbs for everything if it wasn’t for you 🙂

    19:51 (ouch!)

  5. Late.. No strength.

    Wod w 95 95 135 155 175
    Couldn’t do the math fast enough thankfully Breck saved me on the rest of the workout. Awesome 530 trun out. Good work

  6. Looking great, Jessica!

    Tempo OHS
    5 sets of 4@105#
    So strong, Jamie! Great lifting with you.

    WOD w/55-65-75-85-95
    Burpees sloooooooowwwwww

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