January 7, 2016

Thursday 160107

Team WOD

20min AMRAP:

20 Power Clean 135/95 115/80 95/65

20 Box Jumps or Step-ups, 30/24 or 24/20″

20 S2O 135/95 115/80 95/65

20 Over the Bar Burpees

*Rules during WOD these are alternating reps between partner 1 and partner 2 (i.e. partner 1 does 10 power cleans before partner 2 does 10 power cleans, partner 1 does 10 box jumps/step ups then partner 2 does 10, once complete move on to… team has to complete all reps before they can touch the equip.

*The team can use different boxes and bars if a guygirl team or different loads.

*If a 3 person team 30 reps and two can work at same time.

Post rounds and reps to responses.

The Blockers Air Assault

Yoga with Jenny this Saturday at 11:15am! Bring a mat and wear comfy clothing.

January 7, 2016 Read More »