August 4, 2016

Thursday 160804

Team WOD: In 2 Athlete teams

For Time:
60 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 MRX 75/55
Run 200m as a team
60 WallBalls 10/9′ 20/14 MRX 20/10 9′
Run 200m as a team
60 T2B
Run 200m as a team
60 G2O (Snatch or C&J) 95/65 MRX 75/55
Run 200m as a team

**One Athlete must be in the Plank Position, while other athlete completes reps. Can’t start
until in plank. Athletes can share reps/split up as they wish.
If a 3 athlete team 2 athletes will work at a time while one is in plank and Reps are 90.


August 4, 2016 Read More »