March 2, 2017

Thursday 170302

“OR” by DB

3 Sprint Rounds for Time:
-5 Burpee Pull-Ups RX+ 5 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups OR 5 Burpees & 5 Pull-ups or 5 Burpees and 5 Muscle-ups (ring or bar)
-7 Toes to Bar OR 7 HSPU
-14cal Row OR 12Cal A Bike OR 60 Doubles
-1 Rope Climb 15′ RX+ Legless MRX 10′ OR 1 Peg Board Ascent OR 9 SDHP 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55lbs
Rest 3min
**Score is slowest round. In this OR workout, once you pick your exercises the goal is to stick with them all 3 rounds.

Post times to responses.


CrossFit Open WOD 17.2 Details:

Friday: The Open WOD will be the Workout of the Day & that evening we will host the CFJ Open Showdown from 4:30-6:30. This event will be run in heats and will foster a fun, encouraging and competitive atmosphere! Feel free to bring your friends and family to cheer on all our Athletes!

Saturday: 8am & 9am- Regular CFJ classes; 10am-12pm- Open WOD

Sunday: 11am-1pm- Open WOD

March 2, 2017