May 16, 2017

Tuesday 170516

3min AMRAP:
-20 KBS 24/16kgs RX+ 32/24 MRX 20/12
-10 Box Jumps 30/24″ MRX 24/20″
-20 C2B RX+ 10 Bar MUs
-5 Reverse Burpee w/wallball 20/14 20/10bs
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
-20 T2B
-15 Box Jumps
-20 C2B MRX 20 Pull-ups
-5 Reverse Burpee w/wallball
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
-20 Russian KBS
-5 Box Jumps
-5 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
-5 Reverse Burpee w/wallball
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
-10 T2B
-10 Pull-Ups **Can link in one motion**
-10 Box Jumps
-5 Reverse Burpee w/wallball

Post results for each AMRAP to responses.


30 thoughts on “May 16, 2017”

  1. 6X6 @ 125#

    AMRAP 1 50 reps (RX except I did Step Ups)
    AMRAP 2 53 reps (RX except I did Step Ups)
    AMPRAP 3 1 complete round (RX except I did Step ups)
    AMRAP 4 1 complete round (RX except I did Step Ups)

  2. Bench press: 6 sets of 5 @ 185
    WODs as rx’d – full rounds not finished on any
    1st AMRAP: completed through 17 C2B
    2nd AMRAP: completed through 7 C2B
    3rd AMRAP: completed through 5 rope climbs
    4th AMRAP: completed through 2 reverse Burpee w/ med ball

  3. 6X6 @ 125#
    AMRAP 1 50 reps (RX except I did Step Ups)
    AMRAP 2 53 reps (RX except I did Step Ups)
    AMPRAP 3 1 complete round (RX except I did Step ups)
    AMRAP 4 1 complete round (RX except I did Step Ups)

    **also only 10′ RC** I forgot about those

  4. Strength: Bench Press @195#

    WOD Rx w/Bar MU’s:
    1) 1 round + 11 reps (11 KBS)
    2) 38 reps (3 C2B’s)
    3) 29 reps (4 Rope Climbs)
    4) 32 reps (2 Reverse Med Ball Burpees)

  5. CrossFit 213:

    1RM PP: Up to 195# (f@ 215# and 205#)

    14 Min AMRAP:

    8 Push Jerk (135#)
    14 T2B
    24 Wallballs (20#)

    4 rounds + 8 PJ

  6. Strength:
    6 sets of 5 @ 245#

    WOD Rx
    1: 69 reps (1+14)
    2: 59 reps
    3: 27 reps
    4: 60 reps (1+25)

    Total 215 reps

  7. Bench Press
    WOD rx’d
    1. 1 rd+20KB (70reps)
    2. 1 rd (60 reps)
    3. 4 rope climbs (29 reps)
    4. 1 rd+4 reverse burpees (69 reps)
    Total reps=228

  8. Bench:
    6 sets of 5 @ 185
    Wod RX:
    1. 1 round plus 12 (67reps)
    2. 1 round plus 10(70 reps)
    3. Completed 5 rope climbs (30reps)
    4. 1 round plus 18 (53 reps)
    Total reps: 220

  9. CrossFit Magnus

    10 min EMOM
    5 chin ups (strict)
    5 ring dips (strict)

    Completed everything through rd 6, rd 7-8-9 did 3 ring dips, rd 10 only got 4 chin-ups and no dips

    4 rft

    250m run
    20 DB snatches @ 50#
    15 burpees


    Back felt like 17.1!

  10. Bench Press
    5 Sets of 5 @ 235#
    1 Set of 4 @ 235#

    1. 1 Round + 16 reps (71 reps)
    2. 1 Round + 3 reps (63 reps)
    3. 3 Rope climbs (28 reps)
    4. 1 Round + 24 reps (59 reps)

  11. Sumara is such a superstar! Keep on showing us the Sumara Smash in the WODs!
    Bench Press 6 sets of 8 reps at 165lbs
    WOD RXd = 1+4; 1 even; 1+6; 1+14

  12. I stand corrected, #3 AMRAP, I did not have 5 rope climbs I did 20 Strict Pull-Ups so it is scaled. Please disregard my results. Sorry

  13. Bench press:

    WODs (scaled rope climbs)
    1st AMRAP: 42
    2nd AMRAP: 30
    3rd AMRAP: 28
    4th AMRAP: 31

  14. Bench Press (close grip)

    WOD rx’d except GHD’s for TTB
    1. 1 rd+9KB (63reps)
    2. 16 C2B (51 reps)
    3. 4 rope climbs (29 reps)
    4. 1 rd+10 GHD’s (45 reps)
    Total reps=188

  15. Bench press
    6 sets of 5@ 120#
    Wod as red
    1) 1 + 11 (66 reps)
    2) 3 burpees (58 reps)
    3) 2 burpees (32 reps)
    4) 1 + 7 bj (62 reps)
    Total: 218 reps
    100 ghds

  16. Bench

    Wod as RX’D

    1st amrap 1 rounds + 2 BJ

    2nd amrap 4 reverse med ball burpee (59 reps)

    3rd amrap 5 rope climbs (30 reps)

    4th amrap 1 round+ 9 pull ups

  17. Crossfit Maximus (Lexington)
    “Angie” as Rx
    100 pull-ups
    100 push-ups
    100 sit-ups
    100 Air Squats

  18. Bench press 6×4
    Wod Rx with peg board instead of Rope Climbs and 24in box jump and Bar muscle ups and 55lb KB
    Wod 1=1 round + 8 KB
    Wod 2=16 C2B
    Wod 3= 2 peg board
    Wod 4= 3 Box jumps

  19. Crossfit Springfield
    135-185-195-205-205-failed 225#


    Run 400m

    40 WallBalls, 20/14 to 10/9

    4 Cleans, 195/115lb

    Run 300m

    30 WallBalls, 20/14 to 10/9

    3 Cleans, 205/125lb

    Run 200m

    20 WallBalls, 20/14 to 10/9

    2 Cleans, 215/135lb

    Run 100m

    10 WallBalls, 20/14 to 10/9

    1 Clean, 225/145lb

    Time: 14:12

  20. Bench press
    6 sets of 5 @ 95#

    Wod w/masters rx weight and box height
    Almost every movement scaled/modified

    1: 46 reps
    2: 42 reps
    3: 28 reps
    4: 32 reps

  21. Bench 6×5@205. Stayed at 80% this week. Sore shoulders.
    WOD 1 – 1+8
    WOD 2 – 14 c2b
    WOD 3 – 5 rope climbs
    WOD 4 – 1 round

  22. Noon class today(surprised there were so many in this class! Fun!–and great
    class Nicki)

    Bench Press:
    w/65# (first 4 sets did 5 reps, last 2 only 4)

    WOD:30# KB for WOD1 (accidentally stole Joan’s bell-SORRY…and I wondered why it felt so heavy!)remainder 25$, jumping pull ups, knee raises, step ups to 20″ box, ring rows for rope climbs (2 for 1)

    WOD 1- 62 reps
    WOD2- 53 reps
    WOD 3- 38 reps
    WOD 4 – 44 reps

    Angela, it was nice to meet you! Hope you enjoy your month at Crossfit Jenks!

  23. Strength:
    6X5 @225

    1: 1 round plus 3 C2B (88)
    2: 1 round plus 3 T2B ( 63)
    3: 4 rope climbs (29)
    4: 1 round 1 box jump (56)

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