September 12, 2017

Tuesday 170912

13min AMRAP:

-Buy-in 100 Doubles
– 6 KB Hang Snatch R Arm
– 6 T2B
– 6 KB Hang Snatch L Arm
– 6 T2B
-12 HSPU or 30 Foot HandStand Walk MRX 60ft Bear Crawl or 2/4″ rise

*KB weights = 55/35# RX+ 70/55# MRX 45/25#

Post rounds and reps to responses.


26 thoughts on “September 12, 2017”

  1. 2 push press + 1 push jerk
    E2MOM for 4 sets: 135/155/175/185
    1PP + 1 PJ
    E2MOM for 4 sets
    WOD w/ modifications
    100 lateral barbell skier jumps buy-in
    used rx rep scheme w/ 55 KB and T2B, 60 ft bear crawl
    – 5 rounds

  2. Yesterday’s wod
    95# and bike 0.5 and 1 km

    Full disclosure = did not do yesterday’s strength which was a wod in itself!

  3. 2PP to 1PJ @155 x 4
    1PP to 1PJ @185
    1PP to 1PJ @205
    0PP to 0PJ @225
    1PP to 0PJ @225 (PR by 30#; 195# since 8/8/2016)

    WOD w/55# DB & Strict HSPUs:
    2 rounds + 3 Strict HSPUs (unbroken DUs; the most I’ve done unbroken by far)

    20-Minute E2MOM Back Squat@165:
    Total: 95 reps

  4. 2 push press + 1 push jerk
    E2MOM for 4 sets: 135#
    1PP + 1 PJ
    E2MOM for 4 sets: 185#
    WOD sub skier jumps for dubs, 55# dumbell, and 1 ab mat hspu
    2 rounds + 1 hspu

  5. Strength:
    2+1 @ 185
    2+1 @ 205
    2+1 @ 215
    2+1 @ 215
    1+1 @ 225 (PR or tied PR for push press)

    Wod w 45# KB & HSPU on rd 1, 1/2 HSPU and 1/2 HS Walk rd 2
    2 + all KBS & T2B

    Had to tie my shorts before the dubs started, got a phone call after the dubs, hurt my neck on the HSPU. Basically a lot of excuses today and not enough work.

  6. Strength
    2 PP + 1 PJ E2MOM x 4
    205#, 225#, 235#, 245#

    1 PP + 1 SJ E2MOM x 4
    255#, 265#, 275#, 285#

    WOD Rx+ w/ HSPU=3 rds + 24 reps

  7. 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
    Up to 165

    1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
    up to 175 (ties PR for PP)

    WOD (45# KB, 3 abmat HSPU)
    3 + 19

  8. 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
    1 Push Press + 1 Jerk
    135-145-155-165(15 or 20#push press PR)

    WOD rx’d w/strict HSPU
    6rds+6KB snatches
    Core development completed

  9. 2 Push Press + 1 Jerk

    1 Push Press + 1 Jerk

    WOD w/ 200 singles, 25#kb, GHD’s, and bear crawl
    4 rds + 6 reps

  10. 2 PP + 1 split jerk
    1 PP + 1 Split jerk
    wod w/55# dumbbell & HSPU 2″
    3 rds
    Core development completed

  11. 2 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
    1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk
    145/155/160/165 (PR PP and failed PJ @165)

    75 Dubs (counted attempts; got 26 unbroken, progress!!!)
    WOD 35# KB w/ 1 ab mat and 5#plate for HSPU
    2 rounds + 4 HSPU

  12. 2 push press + 1 jerk
    Up to 125#
    1 push press + 1 jerk
    145# x 4
    Wod rx + with handstand walks
    3 rounds + about 15 foot walk

  13. 2PP + 1PJ: up to 195#
    1PP + 1PJ: up to 215#; failed PP at 225, so ended up doing 4 PJ at 225

    WOD w/1 abmat for HSPU:
    3 rounds + 20 reps

  14. 2PP + 1PJ: up to 195#
    1PP + 1PJ: up to 215#; 1 PP @ 225, Failed the PJ


    Wod RX
    Handstand Walks (need more work)
    4 rounds + 6 reps

  15. Strength
    2 PP + 1 PJ E2MOM x 4
    185#, 225#, 245#, 245#
    1 PP + 1 SJ E2MOM x 4
    265#, 265#, 275#
    Wod RX with HSPU
    4 Rounds +6 reps

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