October 5, 2017

Thursday 171005

EMOM WOD 1min Work followed by 1min Rest
-Min 1 = 10 MRX 7 Over Bar Burpees to Max Front Squats
-Min 2 = Rest
-Min 3 = 7 MRX 4 Burpee Pull-ups to Max T2B
-Min 4 = Rest
-Min 5 = 30 MRX 20 Double unders to Max KettlBell Swings
-Min 6 = Rest
**Repeat the 6min session 2 more times for a total of 3/18min
Athlete Load Choices
Barbell 75/55 95/65 115/75 135/95 155/105
KettleBell 45/25 55/35 70/55 88/70

Post results to responses.


October 5, 2017