October 12, 2017

Thursday 171012

Team WOD (teams of 2)
2min AMRAP:
-Partner 1 = Max Calorie Row or A Bike
-Partner 2 = Max Rounds of:
-10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55 RX+ 95/65
-10 Thrusters 75/55 RX+ 95/65

Rest 2min

2min AMRAP:
-Partner 2 = Max Calorie Row or A Bike
-Partner 1 = Max Reps of:
-10 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55 RX+ 95/65
-10 Thrusters 75/55 RX+ 95/65

Rest 2min

*Repeat all above 1 more time*
Score is team total reps + calories.
Post score to responses.


17 thoughts on “October 12, 2017”

  1. 20-Minute E2MOM: Hang Muscle Snatch @75#
    Total: 96 reps

    Team:”Legen…wait for it…dary!” (because Chase took a fourth rest day this week)

    Modified Solo WOD:
    Max Cal Assault Bike
    Rest 2 Minutes
    10 Hang Muscle Cleans w/75#
    10 Strict Press w/75#
    Rest 2 Minutes

    23 calories
    49 reps
    17 calories
    35 reps
    Total: 124

  2. Snatch Training E2MOM:
    Power Snatch to Hang Squat Snatch@135#
    Power Snatch@155#
    Hang Squat Snatch@165#
    Hang Power Snatch to Squat Snatch@165#
    Hang Power Snatch@175#
    Squat Snatch@175#

    8 Minutes to Work Up to Max Squat Snatch
    235# (PR)
    245# (failed)

    WOD RX+ w/ David

    #1 w/David Rowing-61 cals + 50 reps=111
    #2 w/Stephen Rowing-43 cals + 38 reps=81
    #3 w/David Rowing-45 cals + 50 reps=95
    #4 w/Stephen Rowing-39 cals + 35 reps=74

  3. Snatch up to 215#, ties PR

    WOD RX’d w/ hodgie
    I biked first round
    46 cals
    50 reps
    45 cals
    40 reps
    45 cals
    50 reps
    44 cals
    38 reps

    178 + 180 = 358reps

  4. Snatch training:
    Used 115 to 145#
    Power snatch, hang power snatch, squat snatch
    WOD rx (+)
    Partnered with Max- great job Max!
    I did row first
    Rows: 53/41 (94)
    AMRAP: 45/46 (91 reps)
    Rows: 50/45 (94)
    AMRAP: 36/40 (76 reps)
    Total team reps & cals: 355

  5. E2MOM
    Power Snatch to Hang Squat Snatch #55
    Power Snatch #60
    Hang Squat Snatch #60
    Hang Power Snatch to Squat Snatch #65
    Hang Power Snatch #65
    Squat Snatch #65

    8 Min to hit heavy snatch: 55/65/75/80/85/F*90

    R1: SDLHP/Thruster: #55 32 reps + 28 cals = 60
    R2: SDLHP/Thruster: #45 35 reps + 27 cals = 62
    Total = 122

  6. Snatch work. All power and hang no squatting
    Up to 95#

    WOD with Jess and Amber. Only “baby” thrusters for me more like a push press than a thruster :/
    Row 33/34
    Sumo/thrusters 55/50

    Row 35/38
    Sumo/ thrusters 41/31

    Row 25/25
    Sumo/thrusters 43/47

  7. Squat snatch
    Up to 145# (failed 150# 2x)
    Wod rx
    SDHP/thrusters: 3 + 5 sdhp (65 reps)
    Row: 30
    SDHP/thrusters: 2 + 7 thrusters (57 reps)
    Row: 30

  8. Strength

    Squat Snatch up to 115# (5# pr)

    Partner wod rx w/husband
    Mike on bike
    21 cal both rounds
    45 reps both rounds

    Me on rower
    21 cal both rounds
    30 reps both rounds

    234 total reps

  9. Strength
    Stayed light and hit form
    Up to 145#

    Wod. Rx’d. W/ Shawn C
    Total = 347
    That was a fun one! Great job Shawn!

  10. Worked w/ Danny:

    2 rounds + 7 thrusters
    37 calories assault bike
    2 rounds + 3 thrusters
    38 calories assault bike

    57 + 37 + 53 + 38 = 185

    Danny, what you got…

  11. Power Snatch to Hang Squat Snatch #85
    Power Snatch #95
    Hang Squat Snatch #105
    Hang Power Snatch to Squat Snatch #105
    Hang Power Snatch #115
    Squat Snatch #115
    Squat snatches
    125-130-135-140(fx5 or 6 ughhhh)
    WOD rx’d w/Cindi and amber
    2rds+3SDHP..started a few seconds late
    25 cal row
    24 cal

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