October 25, 2017

Wednesday 171025

3min AMRAP:
-Run 200m
-2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
-Max Power Cleans 155/105 RX+ 185/125 MRX 115/75
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
-Run 200m
-2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
-Max S2O
Rest 2min
3min AMRAP:
-Run 200m
-2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
-Max Clean & S2O

Post results for each AMRAP and total reps to responses.


29 thoughts on “October 25, 2017”

  1. Strength: PC & Jerk 10 sets of 1
    Started with 135 and increased 10# every set to end with 225. Failed 225 Jerk
    WOD rx’d (+)
    1st AMRAP: 13 power cleans
    2nd AMRAP: 8 S2O
    3rd AMRAP: 9 pc & j
    Total reps: 30

  2. PC and 8 barbell push-ups q 90 sec
    135# x 4; 155# x 6

    Wod with 135#, .5 km bike, 5 strict pull-ups and 10 jumping pull-ups

    1= 13
    2= 20
    3= 10

  3. Strength clean and jerks 1 every 90secs for 10
    Wod rx seated L-sit rope climbs from 10ft rope
    Rd-2 1 peg board instead of rope=13
    Rd-3 1peg board again=8

  4. Power Clean to Push Jerk

    Wod w/200m row, 2 rope climb practice, 75#
    Rd 1: 14 power cleans
    Rd 2: 18 s2o
    Rd 3: 10 power clean & s2o

  5. Power Clean & S20-1 Rep every 90 seconds-10 total
    155, 185, 205, 225, 245, 255, 265, 275, 300 (fail), 300

    WOD RX+

  6. Power Clean to Push Jerk

    WOD w/ row, double rope pulls, 85#
    1: 13 power cleans
    2: 8 S2O
    3: 5 C&J

  7. Power Clean into S2O:
    155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235(failed push jerk), 245(failed push jerk)

    WOD Rx+ with thick rope:
    Total: 19 reps

    35 Military Anchored Situps
    35 Hip Extensions

    Great job Jeremy. I died a little each round in an effort to match your reps.

  8. Power clean and jerk
    worked up to 155 and stopped..jerk felt awful today so didn’t go any heavier
    WOD rx’d w/L sit rope climbs to 10’due to my legs being burned from anarchy
    1. 20
    2. can’t member if i had already done one rope climb or not but was coming down from it and landed on short part that is on ground hurting my left ankle so i had to stop
    core development completed

  9. Squat clean up to 295

    Wod with 185
    1-19 power cleans
    Did peg board and dips on second amrap
    Only did 3 cleans and tested out a clean and jerk with 185 felt okay on the comeback train

    Core completed

  10. Clean & Jerk
    135 increased by 10 every rep. Fail #9 @215. Got 215 on #10

    WOD: 155#. Rope/shoulder to floor x4

  11. Clean and Jerk:
    up to 75# – really feeling good as I thought I got 85# before I realized I
    had 2-1/2# weights and not 5#!! Failed on 85#

    WOD w/60# and 4 rope from standing to floor ea rd

    1 – 15
    2- 14 (did 7 power clean to OH before Breck told me S2O)ha
    3- 8

  12. PC&J: 95-105-125-135-145-155-165-165-170-175(PR)

    WOD RX’d :
    1 – 15′ rope / 8 PC’s
    2 – 10′ rope / 15 S2O
    3 – 10′ rope / 7 C&J

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