November 8, 2017

Wednesday 171108

For Time:
-Run 400m
– 5 WallWalks (all athletes) then
-10 HSPU or 3 more WallWalks
– 1 Rope Climb 15′ RX+ Legless MRX 10′
-Run 200m
-30 WallBalls
– 2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
-Run 400m
-25 Push Press 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
– 1 Rope Climb 15′ RX+ Legless MRX 10′
-Run 200m
-25 Barbell Push-Ups MRX HRPU
– 2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′

Post time to responses.


27 thoughts on “November 8, 2017”

  1. Bench: 6@135; 5@165; 4@185; 4@205; 4@205
    WOD as rx’d: did all wall walks
    1min flutter kicks, 1 min high plank hold w/ 1 arm shoulder taps, 30 GHD sit-ups

  2. Bench 6-5-4-4-4 @ 65-75-80-80-80

    WOD extremely modified
    1-leg rowing, seated dB press, stiff leg rope reclines, air squats, dB push press, knee push ups

  3. Strict press from ground

    Wod w/rowing, 4 wall walks, rope climb practice, 10# wallball, 65# push press

    25 push press + 1 rope climb completed at cap

  4. wholotta studs in today’s noon class! great job guys! Was going to use the peg board but Dave called it first so I let him rock that out 🙂

    Bench Press
    6 @ 155
    5 @ 170
    4 @ 180
    3 @ *185 (forgot to take a 5# off one side – totally mark’s fault ;))
    3 @ 180

    WOD mods: 75# PP; 1-2″ Descent on HSPU, 2:1 Bended Knee Rope Descents

    Not sure what time I finished!

    Thanks for making me run, Nicole! I need it.

  5. Bench Press:
    6 @ 75
    5 @ 85
    4 @ 90
    4 @ 90
    4 @ 90

    Wod rx
    Had 10 push-ups and 2 rope climbs left at time cap. Finished at 20:24.

  6. Bench press
    95-100-105 completed all reps…barely
    WOD w/ 8 wall walks (stitches in head prevented HSPU), and some barbell push ups from my knees

  7. Drop in WOD at Crossfit Broken Arrow
    Strength – bench press @ 30%-40%-50% 3 sets of 5

    WOD EMOM – 24 minutes Rx103#
    1. 7 S2O
    2. 10 Burpees to a 6″ target
    3. 7 cal row
    4. 5 Hang Power Clean
    *max reps on last round of HPC – 18

    Missed my 4:30 CFJ crew, see y’all for deadlifts tomorrow!

  8. Bench Press
    Monica, thanks for letting me partner with you, Always fun visiting with you!

    WOD w/45#, 15 strict DB press w/20# DB’s for HSPU and Wall climbs
    Push ups = 11 regular, remaining from knees
    rope ascents: double number of rope climbs
    10# ball to 9′ target


  9. Bench press
    6@85, 5@95, 4@95, 4@95, 4@95

    All rows, 8 wall walks, double rope pulls, 45# Russian KBS subbed for WB, 65# PP, HRPU

    It was either 18:34 or 18:43…

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