December 22, 2017

Friday 171222

DB’s Annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD!

-1 Power Snatch 95/65 55+ 75/55
-2 Thrusters 95/65 55+ 75/55
-3 SDHP 95/65 55+ 75/55
-4 Barbell Push-Ups 55+ Push-ups
-5 KettleBell Swings 55/35lbs 55+ 45/25
-6 Box Jumps 24/20″ 55+ Step-Ups Okay
-7 Pull Ups
-8 Toes to Bar
-9 Wall Balls 20/14 10′ 55+ 20/10 9′
-10 Deadlifts 95/65 55+ 75/55
-11 Hang Power Clean 95/65 55+ 75/55
-12 Barbell Burpees
*You move through the workout using the same format as the song. Complete 1 Power Snatch, then 2 Thrusters and 1 Power Snatch, then 3 SDHP, 2 Thrusters and 1 Power Snatch. Time stops when you finish all 12 exercises.

Post time to responses.

Compare to December 23, 2016.

Join us this afternoon for our annual CFJ Holiday Celebration!  There is no 4:30pm class today.  We will open the doors at 5pm and start DB’s “12 Days of Christmas” WOD around 5:30pm.  Dress up in a fun Christmas outfit and bring a side or beverage of your choice. 


30 thoughts on “December 22, 2017”

  1. Crossfit Branson 12 days of Christmas, used 115#
    1 rope climb
    2 HSPU
    3 T2B
    4 burpees
    5 power clean
    6 box jumps 24”
    7 switch lunges (jump and switch legs)
    8 dB snatch 45#
    9 s2o
    10 dubs
    11 pull-ups
    12 thrusters

    42:20, nice and easy

  2. 12×1 12 power snatch
    11×2 22 thrusters
    10×3 30 SDHP
    9×4 36 Barbell Push-ups
    8×5 40 KettleBell Swings
    7×6 42 Box Jumps
    6×7 42 Pull Ups
    5×8 40 Toes to bar
    4×9 36 Wall Balls
    3×10 30 Deadlifts
    2×11 22 Hang Power Clean
    1×12 12 Barbell Burpees

    Total = 364 reps

  3. WOD w/25# KB, 45# bar, jumping pull ups, regular push ups, 10# ball to 9′ target, knee raises, step ups to 20″ box


    Fun..never ending WOD!

  4. 1 k row = 3:38

    5 min amrap 20 cal bike and 10 pc 115#
    2 rds + 12 cal

    5 min amrap
    15 kb swings, G squats and push-ups
    2 rds + 32 reps
    1-2 min rest between wods

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