March 1, 2018

Wednesday 180301

For Time:
-21 KBS 55/35# RX+ 70/55# MRX 45/25#
-11 Box Jumps 24/20 RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/18
-2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
-200m Run or 200m Row
-21 KBS
-11 Box Jumps
-2 Rope Climbs
-400m Row or 400m Run (opposite of last)
-21 KBS
-11 Box Jumps
-2 Rope Climbs
-800m Run or 800m Row (opposite of last)
-21 KBS
-11 Box Jumps
-2 Rope Climbs
-400m Row or 400m Run (opposite of last
-21 KBS
-11 Box Jumps
-2 Rope Climbs
-200m Row or 200m Run (opposite of last)

Post time to responses.


Friday: The Open WOD will be the Workout of the Day & that evening we will host the CFJ Open Showdown from 4:30-6:30. This event will be run in heats and will foster a fun, encouraging and competitive atmosphere! Feel free to bring your friends and family to cheer on all our Athletes!

Saturday: 8am & 9am- Regular CFJ classes; 10am-12pm- Open WOD

Sunday: 11am-1pm- Open WOD

20 thoughts on “March 1, 2018”

  1. WOD (mods):
    45# KBS (unbroken)
    20″ Box Jumps
    2:1 Bended Leg Rope Descents


    *see all those runs, Nicole 🙂

    Fun class – great weather!! Thanks Nicole!

  2. Dennis digging in for some good deep push-ups. Way to get after it. Great scores so far CFJ.

    WOD almost RXd = 21:50 -Ha Ha. I don’t have a 15′ rope at home so had to modify the rope climbs with 11 Strict Pull-Ups

  3. WOD w/25# KB, 20″ box step ups, first 200M row, rest runs, 4 ropes from standing to floor


    The only good thing I can say is that I did all Kettle Bell swings unbroken!!

    Fun WOD

  4. WOD rx’d w/all runs
    Clearly need to work on my consecutive rope climbs..take way too long in between!

  5. Wod (Mrx)
    Run, Run, Run, Row, Run
    20″ (Jump, Jump, Jump/Step Up, Step Up, Step Up)
    Fun One!!

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