August 8, 2018

Wednesday 180808

1min AMRAP:
-1 G2O (C&J or Snatch) 155/105 RX+ 185/125 MRX 115/75
-5 Bar Facing Burpees
-Max Air Squats
REST 1min
2min AMRAP:
-5 G2O (C&J or Snatch)
-15 Air Squats
-Max Bar Facing Burpees
REST 2min
5min AMRAP:
-5 G2O (C&J or Snatch)
-5 Barbell Back Squats or 15 Air Squats
-5 Bar Facing Burpees

Post results for each AMRAP to comments.


30 thoughts on “August 8, 2018”

  1. Back Squats:
    8 @ 245
    6 @ 265
    4 @ 285
    2 @ 305
    WOD Rx’d:
    1: 29 air squats
    2: 16 burpees
    3 (w/back squats): 3 rds + 4 G2O

  2. Strength: Back Squats
    1@315 (20# post-surgery PR)

    WOD Rx:
    29 Air Squats
    0 Burpees*
    1 round w/Back Squats*
    * Push Presses instead of Jerks

    30 20# WB GHD’s for time:

  3. Back squats 8-6-4-2 @ 105-125-135-155

    WOD MRx
    1: 20 air squats
    2: 8 Burpees
    3: (w/ back squats) 2 rds + 1 burpee

  4. Back squat 8@315 6@385 4@405 2@480
    WOD RX + 185# bar
    1) 57 air squat
    2) 16 bar Facing burpees
    3) 2 rds + 5 g2o (did back squats not air squats)

  5. Back squats
    8 – 185
    6 – 225
    4 – 275
    2 – 315 (Miss) way to big of jump

    Wod 1 : 42 Air Squats
    Wod 2 : 24 Burpees
    Wod 3 : 3 Rounds + 1 Air Squat

    Did all Rounds with 155# back squat except very last rep did Air squat

  6. Back Squat
    WOD RX+
    1. 40 Air Squats
    2. 16 Burpees
    3. 3 Rounds (one round with back squat and two rounds w/ air squat)

  7. Front Squat:
    WOD Rx’d W/ weighted back squats
    42 Air squat
    22 Bar facing burpees
    3 rounds +3 G2O

  8. First time back after a 2 week hiatus….went light
    Back Squat – 5 x 5 @ 135#

    WOD – 95#
    1. 26 squats
    2. 17 burpees
    3. 3rds + 1 G2O

    *Worked out between Nicole and Jess so I was bound to do well today 🙂 Great job gals!!

  9. Back squats
    All 4 sets with 185# x 8
    8 ttb bw sets

    Wod with 135#
    1- 33 sit-ups squats
    2- 14 burpees
    3 3 rds + 1 cnj ( all with back squats)

  10. Strength:
    Wod RX w/ Back Squat
    42 Air Squats
    20 Burpees
    3 + 1

  11. GHD’s and assault bike during strength

    1. 105# c&j; Subbed 55# hang power snatch for air squats – 13
    2. Only got to 7 snatches (of the 15)
    3. 5 c&j @85, 10 HPS@55, 5 BFB – 2+5

  12. Strength:
    Wod Rx+ w/BB backsquat:
    1.) 47 air squats
    2.) 23 BFB’s
    3.) 2+2 burpees

  13. Did this during open gym on Saturday August 11.

    Instead of back squats did dead lifts…kept light..last 3 with 145#
    also 50 calories on assault bake…first time to try it.

    WOD 1 w/65# push press – 13 air squats
    WOD 2 – 12 bar facing burpees
    WOD 3 – with air squats, 2 rds, 5 push press, 15 air squats and 1 burpee

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