August 28, 2018

Tuesday 180828

“Me Love You Long Time” by DB

For Time:
-15 Deadlifts 225/155 RX+ 275/185 MRX 185/115
-1600m Run
-15 HSPU or 75ft Handstand Walk RX+ 15 Parallette HSPU or 100ft Handstand Walk MRX 2/4″ rise or 50ft Handstand Walk or 5 Wall Walks
-1200m Run
-15 Deadlifts
-800m Run
-15 HSPU or Handstand Walk (as above)
-400m Run
-15 Deadlifts
-200m Run
-15 HSPU or Handstand Walk (as above)

Compare to August 29, 2017.

28 thoughts on “August 28, 2018”

  1. MOD WOD or I would’ve been there till 6:30! Haha
    135# DL, 2 ab mats (for neck), cut to 10 reps. 33:11
    Ugh I hate running… so slow.

  2. WOD as Rx’d
    31:26. . .
    Finished 200m at 30:01 and laid down for 30-45 seconds. . .
    Didn’t realize I had 15 HSPU left . . .

  3. WOD Rx: Attempted
    1200m run broke my spirit
    15 Strict HSPUs – Unbroken
    400m SkiErg – 1:53
    400m SkiErg – 2:03

    1. Shoulder Press: 5@105, 4@115, 3@125, 2@135, 1@145
      Power Snatch: 2@135, 2@135, 2@145, 2@155
      Snatch Pull: 2@165, 2@175, 2@185, 2@195, 2@205

  4. WOD w/155# and kipping parallette HSPUs
    35:28 (0:32 PR)
    Forced myself to kip those HSPUs today as I never do…better at strict ha! The heat got me today on those runs on that black asphalt..not sure what it was but the chills set in on the 1200m and never seemed to feel much better!

  5. WOD
    Rx+ with Kipping Parallette HSPU’s and AB Mat for head (Had one no rep in the first round; feet came off wall on lockout)
    Deadlifts unbroken
    Time: 31:33

  6. WOD w/85# DL and all runs and 15# seated dumbbell press…had to quit after 800M run and 15 deadlifts in order to get ready for work as came to the 6:00 am first time in many moons! Great to see you Angie!

    I felt really sorry for all of you that came in the afternoon!

  7. WOD w/all rowing and kipping HSPUs
    DLs unbroken and no abmat for HSPUs!!!!!
    (33:05 last year w/running and 1 abmat for HSPUs)

    45 GHDs
    Great job 4:30, way to keep moving in the heat!

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