October 11, 2018

Thursday 181011

“ZMan” in Honor of Zach VanHorn

For Time:
-Row 250 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 500 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 750 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 1000 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 1250 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 1500 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 1250 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 1000 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 750 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 500 meters & 10 Dips (3 Min Rest)
-Row 250 meters & 10 Dips

Compare to July 25, 2017.

OR The CFJ Daily WOD:

10min AMRAP:
-2 Squat Cleans 145/100 RX+ 185/125 MRX 115/75
-3 Fronts Squats
-4 Hang Power Clean
-6 KB Goblet Box Step-Ups 55/35# RX+ 70/55# MRX 45/25
-8 Box Jumps 24/20″ MRX 20/18″

Post rounds and reps to comments.

*Due to time constraints, we are offering the CFJ daily WOD as an option for our athletes. Please feel free to perform either workout.

20 thoughts on “October 11, 2018”

  1. ZMan
    no rest, bar dips with red band

    put my earbuds in and listened to the new Lauren Daigle album…the first and last song that played were I Remember…I thought the lyrics were appropriate.

    In the darkest hour, when I cannot breathe
    Fear is on my chest, the weight of the world on me
    Everything is crashing down, everything I had known
    When I wonder if I’m all alone

    I remember, I remember
    You have always been faithful to me
    I remember, I remember
    Even when my own eyes could not see
    You were there, always there

    Continuing to prayerfully remember the families.

  2. Z Man with red band for dips…52:04

    Wished I had my earbuds! Praying for this family. Having lost my brother in a car accident, I know a year is not very long when it comes to grieving. Always helps to know that people remember!

  3. Did this last year and said I would do this every year when it pops up. Continued prayers for this family! Gave it my all – all the way through! Here’s to you Zman!!

    HRPU in place of Dips
    No rest

    44:57 (PR by 1:39)

  4. Zman
    Bar dips with a red band first 3 rounds then green band the rest of the time but just one of strands when looped
    53:10 (last year 53:32)

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