November 8, 2018

Don’t forget to order your new CFJ Apparel! Hoodies & zip-ups make for the perfect stocking stuffer and will be here in plenty of time for the Holidays! Click the link below to order yours today.

CrossFit Jenks Swag

Thursday 181108

Team WOD #1 (In Teams of 2-3)
2min AMRAP:
-Max Cal Row / A-Bike Partner A
-Max DB Snatches (alt) 50/35lbs Partner B
Rest 1min Switch and Repeat
Team WOD #2
2min AMRAP:
-Max Cal Row / A Bike Partner A
-Max Burpee T2B Partner B
Rest 1min Switch and Repeat
Team WOD #3
14min AMRAP:
– 6 T2B Partner A (B hang from bar)
– 6 T2B Partner B (A hang from bar)
– 8 Barbell Cleans in Unison Partner A & B
-10cal Row *(working at same time)
-10 Over Bar Burpees *(working at same time)
-10cal Row *(working at same time)
-10 Over Bar Burpees *(working at same time)
-12 Partner Passing Wallball Sit-ups 20lbs MRX 14lbs “anchors/DBs 2 feet apart”
BB Loads = 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65
Post results to comments.

November 8, 2018