Thursday, October 10, 2019

Team WOD #1
20min AMRAP:
-200m Run (Pt A)
-200m Row (Pt B)
-20 Synchronized KBS
-15 WallBall Situps Partner Passing
-10 Alternating Burpee Pull-Ups RX+ C2B
KBs = 24/16kgs RX+32/24 MRX 20/12
WB Situps = 20/14 MRX 20/10
** Athletes switch each round Row / Run; Each pass is a rep on WB situps*
Rest 3min
Team WOD #2
For Time: 
-400m Run (Pt A or B)
-400m Row (Pt B or A)
-30 Synchronized KBS
-20 WallBall Situps Partner Passing
-10 Alternating Burpee Pull-Ups RX+ C2B

**CrossFit Jenks Fall Apparel is ready for PRE-ORDER! We’ve got a variety of options this year so make sure to check out both links before submitting your order.  NEW CAMO FALL GEAR &  NEW FALL GEAR!

18 thoughts on “Thursday, October 10, 2019”

  1. Jeremy Fullingim

    800 m sprint: 3:27
    Partner WOD w/ Pete rxd
    WOD 1: 4 rounds + 9 burpee pull-ups
    WOD 2: 4:55

    Strong work Pete!

  2. 800m sprint:

    WOD w/ THE one and only Joan
    *i did 55# KB
    *we did 14# WB Sit-ups

    1. 5 rds + a little bit of the run/row
    2. 4:33

    killed it, Joan!! Great seeing you, Georgie

    awesome class, nicole – thank you!

  3. Samantha Kuplicki

    800m run 4:07

    partner wod with my kid
    Row and bike backwards mix
    55# kb and burpee c2B plu
    3 rds + 15 KB

    Second wod we did apart
    400 bike backwards and 2 WBSU at cap

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