Friday, September 4, 2020

AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
3 Thrusters 135/95# Rx+155/105# MRX 115/80
3 Bar MU’s MRX 3 Burpee C2B Pull-up
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
6 Thrusters 115/80# Rx+135/95# MRX 95/65#
6 C2B Pull-ups MRX Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
AMRAP in 3 minutes of:
9 Thrusters 95/65# Rx+115/80# MRX 75/55#
9 Pull-ups MRX Ring Rows

For Labor Day, Monday, September 7th we are offering an 8am, 9am and 10am class.  All other classes are canceled.  Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!

17 thoughts on “Friday, September 4, 2020”

  1. Strength: participated (mostly stretched).

    WOD: Active recovery day. Did strict press instead of thrusters.
    Strict press & bar muscle ups: 3+ rounds
    Strict press & strict pull ups: 2+ rounds
    Strict press & strict/kipping pull-ups: 2+ rounds

  2. Thrusters 9-6-3-2-1-1 @ 55-65-80-84-90-95
    WOD MRx
    1: 2 rds
    2: 2 rds
    3: 2 rds

    Note: I willingly did thrusters today and did not complain.

  3. Strength: Thrusters

    WOD Rx:
    1) 4 rounds + 1 thruster
    2) 3 rounds
    3) 2 rounds + 12 (3 pull-ups)

  4. Thruster (all squat clean into)

    As Rx’d
    Everything unbroken
    1: 5+3 Thrusters
    2: 4+1 Thruster
    3: 3+2 Thrusters

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