November 13, 2007

Tuesday 071113

7 rounds for time of:

95 pound Sumo-deadlift high-pull, 10 reps
10 Ring dips

Post time to comments.

Having a reference point to jump to during a Burpee helps maintain jump height and intensity.


5 thoughts on “November 13, 2007”

  1. As Rx’d
    Time: 8:46

    Mark, On the Guinness Challenge I had to drink one beer at about 1.5 miles, then one at around 2.75 to 3 miles and the last one right before I crossed the finish line.

  2. 52/m/208
    Did CFWU
    Modified WOD – used 40lb. for SDHP and did assisted dips.
    Time: 15:51

    I could have pulled a heavier weight for SDHP, but had never done so many of these before. I was concerned that I would overdo it. Glad I did not go up in weight, as my upper shoulders were aching badly about an hour and a half after my workout (two Aleve down the hatch).

    Did some fun stuff
    10 knees to elbows (3-2-2-2-1)
    10 strict pull-ups (no assist! hooray) (1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
    10x85lb. back squats
    10x45lb. hang cleans
    10×125 bench press
    4×135 bench press (learning to do these with firmer core)
    Rode stationary bike 5 minutes
    Practiced some 20lb. snatches and some 40lb. squat cleans, to try and groove some technique.

    My weight does not seem to be dropping, but my pants and belt keep getting bigger. Crossfit has changed me in only five weeks. I had been working out almost daily from January to September, and no one noticed. After 5 weeks of Crossfit, everywhere I go someone says, “You’ve gotten thin.” or “You’ve been working out.” or “What have you been doing? You look great.”
    I like that kind of reinforcement.

  3. “WOD” Modified

    7 Rounds for Time:

    10 SDHP @ 55lb
    10 Jumping ring dips (lockout & hold 2 seconds @ top)

    Time: 11:28

    Should’ve went a little heavier on the SDHPs….

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