January 6, 2016

Wednesday 160106

12min AMRAP:

30 Double-Unders

15 Pull-Ups

10 HSPU (Open 2015 Standard) 55+ 4″ rise

5 Front Squats 135/95 RX+ 155/105 55+ 115/75

Post rounds and reps to responses.

Jessica (Handstand)

21 thoughts on “January 6, 2016”

  1. Back Sq
    Took %’s down
    10 @ 125
    5 @ 145
    10 @ 125
    5 @ 145
    Max w/ 135# only did 6
    WOD w/ 95# & push-ups off box
    3 rds + 6 pull-ups

  2. B squat
    2 x 10 @ 185
    2 x 5 @ 225
    5 more at 225#

    Wod with 155#
    Hspu strict but didn’t measure / tape
    3 rds + 11 pull-ups

    50 sit-ups
    50′ hs walk

  3. Back squats
    5@125…messed up percentage supposed to be heavier
    WOD rx’d w/strict HSPU and 95#
    4 rds+4 pull ups

  4. Strict Press:
    2×10 @ 105#
    2×3 @ 140#
    4 @ 125#

    WOD w/ (60 right leg singles, 15 Pull-ups, 10 HSPU, 5 125# Strict Press)

    2 rds + 1 pull-up

    50 sit-ups

  5. Nice pic Jessica!

    Back Squats

    WOD w/ 105# but didn’t tape/measure for HSPU = 3 rds + 6 pull-ups

    50 sit-ups

  6. Back Squats
    10@ 140#
    5@ 180#
    10@ 140#
    5@ 180#
    10@ 160#

    Wod w/105# and KB swings instead of HSPU
    5 rounds+ 15 pull-ups

    100 GHDs
    50 ft handstand walk

  7. Went light on the back squats

    Modified the WOD:
    30 DU
    10-15 pull ups. Tried Butterfly pull ups
    5 HSPU
    5 Push ups
    5 front squats 135#

  8. BS
    10 @ 65#
    5 @ 85#
    10 @ 65#
    5 @ 85#
    7 @ 75#

    WOD w/55# for front squats, jumping pull ups, 15 singles and 15 doubles ea rd and
    strict press with 20# dumbbells for HSPU

    3 rds + 15 singles and 15 doubles
    30 sit ups using hands and down and back bear crawl

  9. Back squat: I think I screwed up my max because these back squats have been ridiculously challenging. I feel like a shaved-tail Louis. I don’t even know what that means.

    WOD: w/ 135# + mod HSPU (feet on 24″ box)
    3 rds even

    100′ bear crawl, which burned the glutes more than anything
    25 half GHD’s

  10. Worked on cluster/thruster + thruster
    Worked up to 135. Got the cluster/thruster but not the second thruster.

    Wod (supplemented hspu for 35#kb snatches)
    2 rounds+ 15 pu

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