February 2, 2016

Tuesday 160202

“Punxsutawney Phil” by DB

12min Ascending AMRAP:

1 Push-Up (Hand Release)

1 Pull-Up RX+ C2B

1 Power Clean 135/95 RX+165/115 55+115/75

1 Push Press or Push Jerk 135/95 RX+165/115 55+115/75

2 Push-Ups

2 Pull-Ups

2 Power Cleans

2 Push Press or Push Jerks

continue with 1 rep increases until time runs out.

Rest only 1min


1min Max Mogul/Barbell Jumps

Post rounds and reps to responses.

Sydney (Split Jerk)

43 thoughts on “February 2, 2016”

  1. Strength: Shoulder to Overhead 20 rep max (compared to 8/14/2015)
    Attempted 175# – completed 19 reps
    WOD as rx on rep scheme- did HRPU, reg pull-ups, weight used 165#
    7 completed rounds + 3 power cleans
    1 min max mogul barbell jumps – 36

  2. Sh to OH
    20 reps with 175#
    Tried again with 185# …. 13 reps – next time start with this wt

    Wod rx+
    8 rds + 2 push-ups

  3. Awesome form and picture Sydney!!!

    20 Rep S2O @ 95# = Completed….need to increase weight the next attempt

    WOD as rx’d w/ strict pull-ups = 8 rounds + 1 Power Clean

    1 Minute of Mogul Jumps = 83

  4. S2O 20 reps
    95# completed…should have gone heavier
    WOD rx’d +
    5 push jerks into rd of 8’s
    Total reps=141
    84 mogul jumps

  5. CrossFit Key West (accurate description, Callie)

    WOD 1
    100 squats @ 75#
    5 burpees every minute during

    WOD 2
    100 kbs @ 35#
    5 burpees every minute (skipped a few rounds of burpees, holy freaking moly)

    WOD 3
    1 mile run

    Finished with a nice and easy 3 mile walk followed by a 30 minute jet ski ride in the crystal clear Caribbean waters 🙂

  6. Great Job today CF Jenks. It is awesome to see so many of you incorporating your Muscle-up progressions in before and after class and even in class as appropriate. Love it and keep it up. Consistency and good training will get you there.

    Great picture Sydney, looks like Jessica is giving you some good coaching cues. Sometimes I have to pinch myself knowing we get to train with the CrossFit Games Female Teenage (15-16) Champion! Get Some!

    S2O 20RM = 155lbs this was a true max and took all I had, but pretty pumped.

    WOD RX+ (165lbs / C2B) = 7rds complete & 8 Push-ups, 8 C2B, and 4 Cleans

    Mogul/Ski Jumps = 93

  7. Push jerk X 20 @ 95#
    Wod rxd
    1 s2o into 8th round
    Mogul jumps: 82
    Such a beautiful photo, so strong and perfect technique as usual!!

  8. Push jerk X 20 @ 95#
    Wod rxd
    1 s2o into 8th round
    Mogul jumps: 82
    Such a beautiful photo, so strong and perfect technique as usual!!

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