September 13, 2016

Tuesday 160913

Team WOD: In 2 Athlete teams

30min AMRAP:
-15 Deadlifts 185/125 MRX 155/105
-15 Over Box Jumps 24/20″ MRX 20/18″
-15 GHD Sit-Ups MRX 15 Anchored Ab-Mat Sit-ups
– **Continuous 500m Row
**One athlete works on the Deadlifts, Box Jumps, and Sit-ups while the other Rows. Once the Rowing athlete finishes 500m they switch roles and continue accumulating rounds and reps for the entire 30 minutes. Final score is total rounds and reps for the team. If a 3-person team, 2 Row at a time and work triplet together.

Post rounds, reps and meters to responses.


26 thoughts on “September 13, 2016”

  1. Team WOD with Pete

    5859m row
    9 rounds + 38
    I did step up over boxes due to tweaked knee

    Tough WOD but fun. Thanks for the team up Pete, you were killing it. I tried to keep up.
    Can’t wait to get back in shape. Thanks Dennis for the push.

  2. “Team Angie”

    30 min AMRAP:
    15 Deadlifts @ 105
    15 Box Step up/over 18″
    15 anchored abmat sit ups
    500m Row

    6 rounds + 12 DL + 4 Box up/over
    Rowed 3000m

  3. Team Hodges
    Rx’d weights w/ab mat sit-ups
    11 rounds + 15 Box Over Jumps

    About 5900m
    I started the meter over by accident, so not real sure.

    Great job Nooners – fun one!

  4. Making that rope climb look, too easy:)
    Great Job and way to go long today CF Jenks. Great teamwork!
    Had to do this one on my own. Just what I needed too.
    WOD Solo at RX parameters = 4rds +26reps
    2500m row

  5. Tornado alley Crossfit
    Strength 3-3-3-3-3 hang power snatch

    WOD 12 min amrap
    40 du
    12 power cleans 65#
    12 ttb
    4 rounds + 46 reps

  6. Team WOD w/ Dustin

    I subbed 105# front rack lunges for DL and U anchored sit-ups for GHDS
    he did 135# DL for first few rds then 165#

    5100ish m row and like 5ish rds?

  7. WOD w/ lady blocker

    She: Rx
    Me: 95# DL, abmat, box step up and over

    7rds + 8 box jump overs
    5,841 meters

    Deadlifts and rowing may have been a poor choice in my current state.

  8. Tim and I were a semi-team, we shared a rower and he coached me on the rower to
    go faster!!

    30 MIN AMRAP
    15 deadlifts w/95#
    15 20″ step over box
    15 anchored sit ups
    500M ROW

    4 rds

    2200M Row

  9. Team Shannon & Jennifer
    WOD as Rx’d
    11 rounds + 1 deadlift
    5603 meters

    Shannon carried the team! Awesome work today, Shan! That was rough.

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