February 13, 2017

Monday 170213

6min AMRAP:
-12 WallBalls *20/14 11/0′ MRX 20/10 10′
-5 Power Snatch 105/70 MRX 85/60
-1 Squat Snatch 105/70 MRX 85/60
REST 3min
3min AMRAP:
-9 WallBalls *20/14 10/9′ MRX 20/10 9′
-3 Power Snatch 105/70 MRX 85/60
-1 Squat Snatch 105/70 MRX 85/60

Post rounds and reps for each AMRAP to responses.


29 thoughts on “February 13, 2017”

  1. Strength: Squat Snatches

    WOD Rx:
    1) 2 rounds + 17 reps (5 Power Snatches)
    2) 2 rounds + 6 reps (6 Wallballs)

    30 Pistols

  2. Strength

    Squat snatch

    WOD RX’D
    6min amrap 5+13 reps (1power snatch)
    3min amrap 4 rounds even

    30 OH walking lunge steps w20lb kettle bells each hand stayed light cause legs weren’t wanting to work after those amraps
    30 pistols

  3. Strength-Squat Snatch
    4EMOM@165 (one failed attempt)
    4EMOM@180 (one failed attempt)

    WOD w/ 115#
    6min AMRAP=4 rounds plus 12 wallballs and 3 power snatches
    3min AMRAP=3 rounds

  4. Strength
    squat snatch
    4 @ 95
    4 @ 105
    4 @ 115
    4 @ 125

    Wod RX
    4 + 8 wallballs

    2nd amrap:
    2 Rds + 3 Power snatches

    30 overhead Lunges w/ the bar

  5. Strength w/ Power snatch due to limited shoulder flexibility
    65- 85- 95lbs

    WOD as Rx’d (Squat snatch was a STRUGGLE)
    1) 3rds 1 PS
    2) 2rnds

    Great job, nooners!

  6. Strength:
    4×2 @ 135#
    4 @ 155#
    4 @ 185#
    2 @ 205# (failed first two attempts, made last two, PR is 205#. Felt great today!)

    Wod as rx’d
    3 + 9 wallball

    30 pistols
    15 oh lunges w/ 25# DB’s

  7. Strength
    squat snatch
    4 @ 75
    4 @ 95
    4@ 105
    2 @ 115
    2 @ 125

    WOD @ 105# / 10′ Wall balls
    A) 3 rnds + 2 wall balls
    B) 2 rnds + 9 walls balls

  8. Anchor CrossFit in Denver 5,500 ft above sea level

    hang squat snatch-OHS-squat snatch
    95, 115, 125, 135, 145

    9 hang squat snatch 95#
    100 double unders
    12 squat snatch
    75 double unders
    15 power snatch
    50 double unders

    Doublin Dan was suck thin air

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