20 thoughts on “February 14, 2017”

  1. Valentine WOD with “Sweet Stephanie” aka, “Little Mama”

    55# bar, 10# Wallball = 13:22

    *anchored sit-ups – no wallball
    **I rested the bar on my back once during snatches and once during PP (Stephanie did not);
    ***I refused to do any burpee penalties 🙂

  2. Did Thursday’s WOD

    WOD as rx’d w/8 cal assault bike instead of double unders
    6 rounds + 4 S2O

    Shoulder Development:
    10 strict ring dips
    10 strict bar dips
    10 kipping ring dips
    10 kipping bar dips

  3. Partnered up w/ Joan Jett – she kicked my tail! Thanks for the motivation and encouragement – you killed it!

    10# Wall ball

    *5 burpee penalty during the Snatches
    *5 burpee penalty during the Push Presses


    Happy Valentine’s Day folks 🙂 Hope everyone has a great day!

  4. Team Blocker
    14# wall ball

    1 burpee penalty on the snatches because I am not mentally tough

    Also, lots of resting because I’m afraid of work

  5. WOD rx’d w/Michelle and ed
    Did 75 sit ups instead of 50 since there was 3 of us and Nicole jumped in to partner with me on wallball pass overs
    25 easy calories on assault bike

  6. Wod with max my stupid strong Cupid!
    95#/65# and 20# wall ball
    14:50 ish?
    One burpee penalty on my last two push press :/
    Absolutely miserable

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