May 24, 2017

Wednesday 170524

2 RFT:
-20 Russian KBS 55/35# RX+ 70/55#
-200m Run or Row or 0.5km A Bike
-20 Pistols (alt legs) MRX 10 Goblet Squats
-200m Row or Run or 0.5km A Bike (opposite of last)
-20 Anchored Sit-ups RX+ 20 GHD Sit-Ups
-200m Run or Row or 0.5km A Bike (opposite of last)
-20 KB Goblet Lunges (alt, stationary)
-200m Row or Run or 0.5km A Bike (opposite of last)

Post time to responses.


This Saturday, CFJ will be hosting the Murph Challenge on a modified morning schedule; we will have an 8am and a 10am class. We have canceled the 9am to allow plenty of time for this Hero WOD to be completed by all athletes. We look forward to seeing all of you here!

29 thoughts on “May 24, 2017”

  1. Back squat: did do rx’d rep scheme.
    6@135; 10@225; 6@275; 6@275; @275; 6@275
    WOD rx (+) except did goblet squats instead of pistols. 70# kb & GHD, assault bike.
    14:10 (everything unbroken)

  2. Power snatch to hang power snatch

    15min amrap
    15 KB swings @35#
    200m row
    15 push press @65#
    200m row

    3 rounds + 8 KB swings

  3. Strength BS 6×3 at 295lbs
    Wod rx except goblet squats instead of pistols and air assault bike instead of rowing and a 20lb vest

  4. Great to be back at CFJ!!

    Back Squat
    2 x 3 @ 185
    2 x 3 @ 190
    2 x 3 @ 195

    WOD Rx except Goblet Squats in place of pistols

    (All row)

    Awesome job, nooners!!

  5. BS
    195×3 (PR)
    Thought I was lifting 185 but Calli tricked me!

    WOD rx’d except goblet squats instead of pistols

  6. BS 4-4-4-4-4-2

    RX with modified pistols (opposite foot tucked behind ankle)

  7. Back squat

    Good job Brent your squats looking too easy!!!

    Wod as RX+ w/row+bike

    Stayed unbroken and didn’t miss any pistols so that’s good enough for me after those fun squats

  8. 2 RFT:
    -20 Russian KBS (70#)
    -200m Run
    -20 Goblet Squats
    -200m Row
    -20 GHD Sit-Ups
    -200m Run
    -20 KB Goblet Lunges
    -200m Row


  9. Back squat
    1set of 4 @ 155
    5 sets of 3 @ 185

    Wod rx’d except pistols with 20#kb to balance and only did 15 instead of 20. Miley on the knees.

  10. Back Squat
    5 x 2 225#
    1 x 4 225#

    WOD Rx 19:26
    Red box assisted pistols
    GHD situps
    45# KB lunges

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