August 24, 2017

Thursday 170824

2min AMRAP:
-Run or Row 200m or .5km A Bike
-Max MUs (Ring or Bar) or Burpee Pull-ups
Rest 2min
4min AMRAP:
-Row or Run 400m or 1km A Bike
-2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
-Max T2B
Rest 2min
2min AMRAP:
-Run or Row 200m or .5km A Bike
-Max C2B Pull-ups
Rest 2min
4min AMRAP:
-Row or Run 400m or 1km A Bike
-1 Rope Climb 15′ MRX 10′
-Max MUs (Ring or Bar) or Burpee Pull-ups
Rest 2min
2min AMRAP:
-Run or Row 200m or .5km A Bike
-Max T2B
Rest 2min
4min AMRAP:
-Row or Run 400m or 1km A Bike
-2 Rope Climbs 15′ MRX 10′
– Max Pull-ups

Post results for each AMRAP to responses.

15 thoughts on “August 24, 2017”

  1. All bike
    – 11 burpee pull-ups
    – 5 rope pulls for floor / 15 ttb
    – 11 strict pullups
    – 3 rope pulls from floor / 13 bp
    – 14 ttb
    – 5 rope pulls from floor/ 10 strict pull-ups
    * first ttb in ~ 10 months

  2. WOD Rx w/Bar MUs:
    15 Bar MUs with Run (sets of 12 and 3; 12 is a PR)
    17 T2B with Run
    12 C2B with Row
    5 Bar MUs with Row
    12 T2B with Bike
    3 Pull-ups with Bike

  3. It seemed like a lot of work with not much to show for it.

    Did my first ever rope climb today in the warm up, but then couldn’t do one in the WOD because of muscle fatigue from doing so many pull-ups this week.

    All rows
    5 burpee pull-ups
    no successful rope climbs (so no TTB)
    3 pull-ups
    3 rope climb attempts, 3 burpee pull-ups
    12 ghd
    4 rope climb subs from ground, 2 pull-ups

  4. Fun noon class!!

    Hands are pretty thrashed from the last several days so I modified quite a bit:
    Bamboo V-ups in place of T2B
    Russian KBS in place of the burpee PLU’s/C2B’s (70# KB)
    Did a modified rope descent in place of the rope climbs

    *Biked .5km
    *Rowed 400m

    -26 Rkbs
    -30 B-Vups
    -24 Rkbs
    -30 Rkbs
    -21 B-Vups
    -32 Rkbs

    Thanks for the push at the end Nicole!!

  5. V-ups in place of T2B
    Russian KBS in place of the C2B’s
    Did a modified rope descent in place of the rope climbs (x2)

    *Biked .5km
    *Ran 400m
    -7 Burp PU
    -30 V-ups
    -20 R-kbs
    -7 Burp PU
    -20 V-ups
    -30 R-kbs

  6. Run 200m | 5 MU’s
    Row 400m | 25 T2B
    Run 200m | 14 C2B
    Row 400m | 8 Burpee Pull-ups ()
    Run 200m | 17 T2B
    Row 400m | 21 Pull-ups

    (Rope climbs legless on 2″ rope)

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