September 19, 2017

Tuesday 170919

2min AMRAP:
– 11 Thrusters 75/55 RX+ 95/65 MRX 65/45
– 7 Box Jumps 24/20″ RX+ 30/24 MRX 20/12
REST 2min/adjust weights
3min AMRAP:
-9 Thrusters 95/65 RX+ 115/75 MRX 75/55
-33 Doubles
REST 2min/adjust weights
2min AMRAP:
– 6 Thrusters 115/75 RX+ 135/95 MRX 95/65
– 6 Box Jumps

Post results for each AMRAP to responses.


26 thoughts on “September 19, 2017”

  1. Strength:
    E2MOM x 10
    odd intervals: 5 push press @ 165#
    even intervals: 5 back squat @ 225#

    WOD 1: @75#
    1 rnd + 4 box jumps

    WOD 2: @95#
    2 rnds

    WOD 2: @115#
    1 rnd + 6 thrusters


  2. Strength
    BS and PP
    Both with 135#
    5 reps

    Wod with rx loads – sub 5 burpees for DU
    Step ups
    – 2 rds + 13 reps
    – 3 rds
    – 2 rds + 8 reps

  3. Strength: Back Squat and Push Press
    BS: 5 @ 315#
    PP: 5 @ 225#
    BS: 5 @ 295#
    PP: 5 @ 225#
    BS: 5 @ 295#
    PP: 5 @ 225#
    BS: 5 @ 295#
    PP: 5 @ 225#
    BS: 5 @ 295#
    PP: 5 @ 225#

    WODs Rx’d
    1: 2 rounds plus 8 thrusters
    2: 2 rounds plus 5 thrusters
    3: 2 rounds plus 1 thrusters

  4. Only did PP on strength. Hip still hurting
    WOD 1 55# and step-ups 2 + 11 thrusters
    WOD 2 65# push press 2 +26dubs
    WOD 3 75# push press and step ups 3+6 PP

  5. Back sq @ 145# (71%)
    PP @ 105# (73%)
    AMRAPs rx’d
    1- 2 rds + 7 thrusters
    2- 2 rds + 3 thrusters
    3- 2 rds + 3 thrusters
    I had your number this morning Peter Pipper!!!

  6. Strength: back squat and push press
    5 sets of 5 for each
    BS: #275 for each set
    PP: #175 for each set
    Subbed lateral barbell skier jumps for DUs on 2nd AMRAP. Did rx’d
    1st AMRAP: 2 rounds
    2nd AMRAP: 3 rounds
    3rd AMRAP: 2 rounds

  7. Back Squat & Push Press
    5 Sets of 5 for each (alternating from back squat to push press)
    Back Squats @ 300# for all 5 sets of 5
    Push Press @ 205# for all 5 sets of 5

    As Rx’d
    1: 3 Rounds + 3 Thrusters
    2: 3 Rounds
    3: 3 Rounds

  8. Back squats & push press
    BS: 1×5 @155, 4×5 @165
    PP: 5×5 @105
    Wod rx
    1) 3 + 6 thrusters
    2) 3 + 4 thrusters
    3) 3 + 4 thrusters

  9. Back Squats & Push Press
    BS 1×5@175, 4×5@185
    PP 5×5@130

    WOD Rx weights; started w/box jump changed to step up!
    1: 2 rds + 9 thrusters (box jumps then step ups)
    2: 1 rd + 25 Dubs (Dubs are still a work in progress, counted attempts)
    3: 2 rds + 5 step ups

  10. BS – 5 x 5 @ 205#
    PP – 5 x 5 @ 155#
    Wod. Rx’d.
    1) 2 rounds + 1 thrusters
    2) 2 rounds + 4 thrusters
    3) 1 round + 4 BJ

  11. BS 5×5@345
    PP 5×5@165

    Wod RX’D
    1. 3 rounds+3 thrusters
    2. 2 rounds even (horrible dubs)
    3.3 rounds+4 thrusters

    Core development
    Skinned the cat 10 times

  12. Back squats w/125# push press only w/105#
    WOD rx’d
    2+9 thrusters
    Terrible performance today on that one…
    Came back at noon class and max talked me into doing
    Assault bike cal
    80# DBall
    That seemed to take me forever!

  13. BS 5 X 5 w/65#
    PP 5 X 5 w/55#
    went quite a bit lighter than 85% on both

    1. w/35# and step ups to 20″ box – 1 rd + 2 box jumps
    2. w/35# 1 rd + 12 thrusters
    3. w/45# 2 rds + 2 box step ups

  14. Strength: Back Squat and Push Press
    BS: 5 @ 345#
    PP: 5 @ 215#
    BS: 5 @ 365#
    PP: 5 @ 235#
    BS: 5 @ 385#
    PP: 5 @ 235#
    BS: 5 @ 375#
    PP: 4 @ 235#
    BS: 5 @ 365#
    PP: 5 @ 215#
    Wod RX
    2 rounds +7 thursters
    2 rounds + 29 reps
    2 rounds + 4 thursters

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