October 31, 2017

Tuesday 171031


13min AMRAP:
-Buy-in Trick of 1000m Row
-13 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95/65 MRX 75/55
-13 Thrusters 95/65 MRX 75/55
-13 Burpee Pull-Ups

4min REST

13min AMRAP:
-Buy-in Treat of 800m Run
-13 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 MRX 75/55
-13 Wallballs 20/14 10′ MRX 20/10 9′
-13 Burpee T2B
**Athletes Choice of Jason or Freddy to start with; compare the horrors/times**

Post rounds and reps for each WOD to responses.


27 thoughts on “October 31, 2017”

  1. Jason (55#): 1 round + 4 burpee pull ups
    Freeddy (row, 55#, 14# WB to 9′, burpees + GHD): 1 round + 13 burpees (no GHD’s)

  2. Fun Noon Class!

    Jason: 1 + 29 (75# SDHP & Thrusters) – Burpee PLU’s – Rx

    Freddy: 1 + 8 (75# HPS) – Burpee T2B – Rx

    Was in the game today! Felt good!

  3. Wod rx
    Jason: 2 rounds + 1 burpee pull-up (105 reps)
    Freddy: 2 rounds + 11 WB (102)
    Total: 207 reps
    Good work Breck! Happy Halloween everyone!

  4. Freddy: 2 + 17 reps (4 wall balls)
    Jason: 1 + 32 reps (6 burpee pull-ups)

    That crushed my spirit. And I had to do the workout by myself at 6:30. That’s scary.

    Thanks for staying Nicole!

  5. “Jason”
    As Rx’d
    Rounds=3+3 SDHP (120 reps)

    As Rx’d
    Rounds=2+5 Burpee T2B (109 reps)

    Total reps=229

    Thanks for the push Meredith! Great job!

  6. 1000m Run <– did an extra 200 on accident
    Freddy @65#: 1 Rounds + 13 HCPP
    Jason @55#:1 Round + 1 Burpee pull-up
    MOD both rounds with HC to PP instead of Thrusters/WB due to knee pain.

    Happy Halloween!

  7. WODs w/Rx weight

    Freddy w/2k bike instead of run
    2 rounds + 7 wallballs

    Jason w/strict Press instead of thrusters
    2 rounds

    Tweaked my knee a little last week and aggregated it more with all the Dubs on Monday. Back on the mend soon!

  8. WODs w/Rx weight

    Freddy w/2k bike instead of run
    2 rounds + 7 wallballs

    Jason w/strict Press instead of thrusters
    2 rounds

    Tweaked my knee a little last week and aggrevated it more with all the Dubs on Monday. Back on the mend soon!

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