Wednesday, July 22, 2020

In teams of two, complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Hang Power Cleans 135/95 Rx+155/105 MRX 115/80
Rules: Partner A hangs from pull-up bar while Partner B does hang power cleans. If Partner A drops from bar or Partner B sets or rests bar on ground then partners switch. Hang power cleans can’t begin until other partner hangs from bar.
3 Minute rest then:
In teams of two, complete as many hang clean reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
150’ Sled push 45/25# Rx+55/35# MRX 25/empty sled
15 Hang Squat Cleans with Sandbag
Rules: Partner A pushes 75’ down and 75’ back. Partner B does 15 Hang Squat Cleans with sandbag 80/50# MRX 65/35#. Once both partners complete then switch.
Teams choice of WOD to start with.

20 thoughts on “Wednesday, July 22, 2020”

  1. Teamed with Marisa
    1st: Sled (45/empty) & Bag SC (80/35)
    6 rds of cleans, 5.75 sleds
    2nd: Bar hang & HPC (135/65)
    100 HPC

  2. Wod Rx’d; Partner w/ Chase

    1) 128 HPC
    2) 2 rounds plus 10 sandbag squat cleans and a full sled push.

    Good work Chase!

  3. Jessica Van De Wiele

    Partner with Molly
    4 rounds on 15#sled/35#sandbag (she did 50#)
    100 HPC 95#
    Great job Mols love you!

  4. Wods. Rx’d w/Kevin & Chandler

    Sleds/Bag HSC
    2 rounds + sled push & 12 HSC

    Bar Hang/HPC
    78 reps

    That was kinda brutal – good job Kev and Chandler

  5. rocked this one out with Nikki ‘THE’ Savage

    WOD 1:
    126 HPC (I did 115#)

    WOD 2:
    Me: 25# sled push/65# Sand Bag (not sure what her weights were)
    2rds + 11 sand bag squat cleans (w/ full sled push)

    …on ‘dress like a superhero’ day at work, I dress up like Nikki Savage 🙂

    fun class!

  6. WOD
    As Rx’d with Danny Boy
    1: Started with Hang Power Cleans and Hang from Pull-up Bar
    2: Completed 2 Full Rounds
    Total Reps=179

  7. Partnered up with Mighty Maddy for this one.
    WOD 1:
    Me: 45# Sled and male sandbag -1 bladder
    Maddy: Empty Sled and female sandbag -2 bladders. Maddy switched to 20# WB carry in second round.
    WOD 2:
    Me: Rx’d Hang Cleans & Bar Hang
    Maddy: 35# Hang Cleans & Bar Hang

    Total combined squat cleans: 65
    Total combined hang power cleans: 45

  8. WOD as Rx: (1 man team, so multiply work by 2)
    1. HPC/ Hang from PU bar.
    (Hung from PU bar for the same time as doing HPC)
    52 HPC x 2 = 104 reps

    2. Sled push/ sand bag SC
    3 rounds of sled pushes x 2 = 6 sleds
    33 sand bag squat cleans x 2 = 66 Reps

  9. WOD
    As Rx’d with Nick K
    1: Started with Hang Power Cleans and Hang from Pull-up Bar
    HPC Reps=157
    2: Completed 3 Full Rounds plus 6 HSC
    HSC Reps=96
    Total Reps=253

  10. Partner w/Melissa & Angel
    WOD 1
    15 Hang Squat Clean 35# sandbag
    Sled (no weight for me)
    75 reps (2 1/2 rds)

    WOD 2
    Hang Clean 80#
    Hang from Bar
    110 HPC (5 1/2 rds)

    185 reps
    Put rds in case I didn’t add correctly.

  11. Jeremy Fullingim

    Team up with one of my sons (Dawson).
    Sled (45# for me; #25 for Dawson)
    Sandbag cleans (80# for me; #60 for Dawson)
    – total completed sandbag cleans: 70
    Max number of hang cleans (135# for me; 95# for Dawson) = 106. [55 hang cleans for me; 51 hang cleans for Dawson]

    Did 10 sets 3 Front squats w/ 220#

  12. Wod with Connor
    HPC and Bar Hang – 136
    Sled Push and Sang Bag HSC – 2 rds + 15 cleans & 150’ sled
    Total reps: 211

  13. Partner with Kait
    2 rounds + Down and half way back sled + 2 cleans
    84 hang cleans
    “You’re not giving me any effing break!” – Sam to kait

  14. Partnered with Cam !!!

    Started with Bar Hang/HSC (Camden did 75ft sled push) – 75 total HSC
    Bar Hang With HPC (Cam did 55#, I did 95#)-
    70 Total HPC

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