31 thoughts on “Monday, March 22, 2021”

  1. Jeremy Fullingim

    Strict press:
    3 sets of 5 using 95; 1 set of 5 using 105; 1 set of 5 using 110
    WOD. Modified HSPU to 10 push-ups; rest Rx (row)
    4 rds + up through 15 KBS

  2. Strengths: Switched upon shoulder pain
    Strict Press – 5@135, 5@135
    Strict Parallette HSPUs – ~12

    WOD Rx (w/mouse pad):
    4 rounds + 22 reps (7 cal on bike)

  3. Strict press-
    3×5@95, 5@115, 3@135

    Wod Rx’d
    5+7 (2 T2B in round 6)

    Everything unbroken through round 4. 3/2 on strict HSPU for rounds 5&6

  4. Strength
    All sets and reps 115

    WOD modified
    90 degree pike push ups on the box
    Bamboo V-ups
    KBS 55

    4+ 41 reps

  5. WOD
    5 strict HSPU with 1 ab mat
    10 T2B
    12 calorie row
    20 25# KBS (back is still lit)
    6 rounds + 5 HSPU all unbroken

  6. Still can’t press with left shoulder

    Strength: practiced HS walk

    Wod rx w/ 15’ HS walk instead of HSPU
    5 rounds even, unbroken except 1 fall on 2 rounds

  7. Strength & Conditioning:
    E2:30MOM – 5rds
    -5 Strict Press (75#
    -2 Wall Walks
    -10 cal on bike

    WOD (all bike; 55# Kb)
    *2 Wall Walks in place of HSPU
    *GHD’s in place of T2B

    5rds + 4cal on bike

    fun class – killed it Daniel! Thanks Breck!

  8. Strumpf: 95,115,115,125,95

    WOD Rx: 5+2 Strict HSPU*
    Everything unbroken

    *Hate to say this, but I realized I only went to 70 cals on the last round, so I earn the *

  9. Strict press
    all 5@100#

    WOD w/1 ab mat and rowing
    6 + 3 HSPUs
    All but one round of strict HSPUs unbroken. Everything else unbroken

    KP Summer Abs

  10. Strict press 5@75,85,95,105,115
    Mrx unbroken hspu with 3 rogue mats
    Modified t2b (feet as high as can but didn’t touch) 15 cal row, Kb unbroken until 4th round. 4rds + 4cal row.

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