Thursday, November 30, 2023

For time: 
50 Kettlebell swings 55/35# Rx+70/55# MRX45/25#
50 Alternating stationary goblet backward lunge steps 55/35# Rx+70/55# MRX45/25#
50 Sit-ups Rx+GHD Sit-ups
40 Kettlebell swings
40 Alternating stationary goblet backward lunge steps
40 Sit-ups
30 Kettlebell swings
30 Alternating stationary goblet backward lunge steps
30 Sit-ups
20 Kettlebell swings
20 Alternating stationary goblet backward lunge steps
20 Sit-ups
10 Kettlebell swings
10 Alternating stationary goblet backward lunge steps
10 Sit-ups

26 thoughts on “Thursday, November 30, 2023”

  1. Activator
    10 pushups EMOM x10
    WOD w/70# KB, unanchored sit-ups
    I knew the 70KB would be a game changer so I set my clock for 35:00…winning, I guess?

  2. EMOM x10
    5 strict pull-ups & 5 strict ring dips
    Last 4 rounds had to drop to 3 strict pull-ups

    Wod rx weight with GHDs

    Today was harder than I hoped

  3. Activator EMOM for 10Mins
    5 Strict Pull Ups + 5 Strict Ring Dips
    Wod RX’d w/GHD Sit ups

    Unbroken on swings and lunges
    Paused numerous times on GHD

    Fun and challenging one today!!!

  4. EMOM for 10 minutes
    5 Strict C2B Pull-ups
    5 Strict Bar Dips

    With 35# KB and anchored sit-ups
    Everything unbroken with transition from swings to lunges without resting KB on ground.
    Time: 14:56

  5. Activator EMOM – 5 strict ring dips/ different variations of strict pull ups. Even did ring rows a couple times.

    WOD RX

    First round of 50 KB swings unbroken
    All others were broken

    Capped @ 1 rep in on the 20 KB swings

  6. Jaimers w/ the perfect wallball form – Great pic!

    -3 PLU’s (5rds kipping, 5rds butterfly)
    -2 Ring Dips
    -10 Air Squats

    With 35# KB and anchored sit-ups
    Time: 17:33

    fun group today! awesome class – thx nicole!

  7. EMOM x10
    3 – 5 strict pull-ups & 3 – 5 strict ring dips

    KB swings w/ Rx weight
    Anchored sit-ups
    Goblet backwards lunge steps w/35# KB

  8. EMOM for 10 minutes
    5 Strict Pull-ups
    5 ring Dips

    With 35# KB and first 50 ghds and then anchored sit-ups
    Time: 21:39

  9. Went off feel on the activator. Didn’t do every rep or every round but made sure they were good.

    WOD Rx 21:00 couldn’t have timed it better to finish right at the cap. Probably rested too much on the situps

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