Wednesday, February 21, 2024

For time: 
3 Squat cleans 225/155# Rx+265/175# MRX185/125#
90 Double unders
6 Squat cleans 205/135# Rx+245/165# MRX 155/105#
60 Double unders
9 Squat Cleans 185/125# Rx+225/155# MRX 135/95#
30 Double unders

38 thoughts on “Wednesday, February 21, 2024”

  1. Activator:
    Squat Clean: 125-135#
    Power Clean: 155#

    3 Squat Clean 145#
    90 DU
    6 Squat Clean 135#
    60 DU
    9 Squat Clean 125#
    30 DU

  2. 7 mins to build up to 5 rep SC max: (T&G)
    7 mins to build up to 3 rep SC max: (T&G)
    7 mins to build up to 1 rep SC max:
    1@255 (f)

    Wod Rx’d

  3. Jessica Van De Wiele

    Squat cleans
    5 rep max @ 95
    3 rep max @ 115
    1 rep max @ 135

    3 squat cleans @ 125
    180 single unders
    6 @ 115
    120 SU
    9 @ 95
    60 SU

    Great pic KO!

  4. WOD mod for back
    Really would’ve liked to have done this one but alas the back pain persists 🙂

    Back rack lunges from rack multiplied x 4 (12, 24, 36)

  5. 7 mins to build up to 5 rep SC max: (T&G)
    7 mins to build up to 3 rep SC max: (T&G)
    7 mins to build up to 1 rep SC max:

    As Rx’d
    Time: 6:46

  6. strength did some medball squat cleans and some air squats. couple power cleans at 75

    3 PC @ 75
    90 singles
    6 PC @ 75
    60 singles
    9 PC @ 75
    30 doubles(hah)

    no clue on time 5 or 6 minutes

  7. Strength TnG squat cleans
    5@105, 3@125, 1@145

    Wod MRX
    6 SC@125
    180 singles
    12 SC@105
    120 singles
    15 SC@95
    60 singles
    This was the perfect workout for my body today! Feeling good!

  8. Squat cleans
    5 rep max @ 95
    3 rep max @ 115
    1 rep max @ 130

    WOD 10:01
    1 squat cleans @ 125, 2 squat cleans @ 105
    90 Dubs
    6 @ 105
    60 Dubs
    9 @ 95
    30 Dubs

  9. Strength/Activator: EMOM – 21min
    -1 Squat Clean (155#) = ~85% 1RM
    -5 cals on ski erg

    WOD – 155/135/135 Squat Cleans – Dubs
    either 9:40 or 8:40 – was in a different square today and it totally threw me off my game 🙂

    shout out to Camper – just because he’s awesome! thx breck!

  10. Strength
    Dumbbell sq cleans.
    Couple sets of 5 @ 55 db
    Couple of sets of 3 at 70#
    3 singles @80#

    9-15-21 DB sq clean w/ 50#
    21-15-9 calories on bike

  11. Strength: TnG Squat Cleans

    WOD w/
    3 SC @ 185
    90 dubs
    6 SC @ 165#
    60 dubs
    9 SC @ 145#
    30 dubs
    Time: 7:51

  12. 7 mins to build up to 5 rep SC max: (T&G)
    7 mins to build up to 3 rep SC max: (T&G)
    7 mins to build up to 1 rep SC max:

    Wod Rx’d

  13. Squat Cleans
    1@165 and it felt like a damn HOUSE!

    WOD Rx
    155: singles
    135: 4/2
    125: 5/4
    DUs a mess as they still don’t feel great on the right knee and I’ve had to change my stance a bit. Happy to be doing them but super annoying

    Abs and met the fam on the way back from their walk

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