In teams of two,
AMRAP in 21 minutes of:
15 DB Deadlifts 35/25#DB’s Rx+40/30#DB’s MRX 30/20#DB’s
10 DB Front Rack Alternating Lunge Steps
5 DB Devils Press
*At the 0:00, 7:00 and 14:00 minute mark:
200 Meter Sled Push/Pull (one partner pushes while other pulls; switch at 100 meters)
*Sled Push loads: Men=90# MRX 45# Women=30# MRX Empty sled Man/Woman=60# MRX 30#
AMRAP in 21 minutes of:
15 DB Deadlifts 35/25#DB’s Rx+40/30#DB’s MRX 30/20#DB’s
10 DB Front Rack Alternating Lunge Steps
5 DB Devils Press
*At the 0:00, 7:00 and 14:00 minute mark:
200 Meter Sled Push/Pull (one partner pushes while other pulls; switch at 100 meters)
*Sled Push loads: Men=90# MRX 45# Women=30# MRX Empty sled Man/Woman=60# MRX 30#
*Partner 1 does 15 deadlifts, then partner 2 does 10 lunges, then partner 1 does 5 devils press, then partner 2 does 15 deadlifts…..continue alternating exercises.
6 mile run
Wod rx but solo
200m run with 35# wreck bag v sleds at 0, 7, 14 mins
9 + 4
Still a fun one!
Partner WOD Rx
with Steph Fielder- love ya Steph!
11+ 18 (3 lunges)
Wod Rx’d w/ Chase (thanks for carrying us on the sleds)
10+9 DL’s
WOD with Kendall
Rx dumbbell, 15# sled
6 rounds + 10 front rack lunges
Wod Rx’d w/ David S.
9+15 DL’s
Even Power Clean @185
Odd Squat Clean @185
WOD rx w/ Kait
-8 rounds + 17
Okie flow Talequah
4 rds partner Wod.
400 m run
Alt 100 m 55 kb suitcase carries
10 cleans a 155. 23:28
WOD. W/Jennifer C.
45# sleds
Me – 30’s (all 35’s were gone)
J – Rxd.
10 rounds
Wod RX w/ Trevor
11+7 DLs
WOD rx with Monica and Dee!
45 lbs on the sled
10 rds + 10 DL
Super fun one!
WOD with JC
9 rounds plus 6 DL
Thanks JC, you kept me going after the sleds.
With Berlyn
60# on sled
Rounds=8+8 Deadlifts