Friday, January 10, 2025

21-15 & 9 rep rounds of: 
Thruster 95/65#
“Friendly Fran”
3 Rounds for time of:
21 Thrusters 115/85#
21 C2B Pull-ups
“Heavy Fran”
21-15 & 9 rep rounds of:
Thruster 135/95#
C2B Pull-ups

Compare to November 8, 2023.

13 thoughts on “Friday, January 10, 2025”

  1. Wod RX: 4:00
    Regular FRAN
    PR: 3:35 7/16/21

    Death by 10 meters
    Completed 17 rounds

    Day 11
    500 dubs today
    Total: 6,540

  2. WOD Rx “Fran”

    Then Death By 10 meters:
    Got through 14 and then did sets of 10 until round 19 and stopped
    *Great job to the Heavy Fran peeps at 12 today- looked terrible 🙂

    2023: No score
    2022: 2:50 (PR)
    7/16/2021- 3:05
    2/1/2020- 3:51

  3. Knee Friendly Fran Mod
    65# push press
    Box air squats
    65# bent over row

    50# sandbag snow/slush walk with Amy
    24ish minutes

  4. “Heavy Fran”
    Thrusters-21 (8-7-6), 15 (6-5-4), 9 (5-4)
    C2B unbroken
    Time: 7:33

    Death by 10 Meters
    Made it through the 15

  5. Heavy Fran
    Grips came unvelcroed 2 times during the 9 C2B (UGH)
    Barbell unbroken, the 15s were a real gut check the last 5 reps
    C2B 11/10; 10/5; 2/3/4 (stupid grips)


    Fran PR 2:54 (2020) 3:05 (2023) 4:15 (2018)
    Heavy Fran PR 5:45 (2021)

    Made death by 10 meters for 10 reps then biked with Shawn for the remainder

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