10 x 1:00 rounds for reps:
3 Deadlifts 315/205# MRX 225/155#
Max Double-unders
Rest 2:00 between rounds.
Compare to August 10, 2023.
10 x 1:00 rounds for reps:
3 Deadlifts 315/205# MRX 225/155#
Max Double-unders
Rest 2:00 between rounds.
Compare to August 10, 2023.
Up to 205
RX: 88, 88, 88, 90, 89 (1), 95, 93, 95, 95, 94
Strength: Deadlift 3 @ 375#
89,93,80,60,74,79,75,65,70,75: 760
New rope. Ordered thinner diameter to catch Dunham.
Wod RX: 989 doubles
Total doubles today 1,589
Day 12
Total double unders 8,039
WOD Rx’d* (alt. b/w Dubs & GHD)
Dubs: 82+70+68+67+53=340
GHD: 22+20+19+16+15=92
(Post WOD 3 more sets of dubs: 60/57/63)
(2023 Rx’d 766 dubs)
Wod w/275#
702 DU’s
Wod Rx’d
2023: Rx’d
Wod with 205# DL
Dubs- 71
Burpees 17
GHD 24
Dubs- 73
Burpees 18
GHD 24
Dubs- 77
Burpees 17
GHD 24
Dubs 71
Total- Dubs: 292, Burpees: 52, GHD: 72
2023: w/ 205#- Alternated dubs and GHD each round
Dubs: 86, 93, 79, 82, 81= 421
GHDs: 26, 24, 23, 21, 23= 117
Wod 205# DL
Alternated bike cals and GHD
56 cals
116 GHD
Deadlifts as RX’d
Sub GHD for Dubs
Total: 150 GHDs
As Rx’d
Not one round unbroken
1: 65
2: 65
3: 70
4: 63
5: 67
6: 69
7: 69
8: 66
9: 69
10: 69
WOD DL 155#
GHD 151 rounds 1/2/4/5/7/8/10
Burpees 40 rounds 3/6/9
255# / 8 v-ups + 10 push-ups each round.