Ran 4 miles in 45 minutes. That was enough for me. I look forward to completing a 10K run again. It has been years. This little run this morning was probably my longest run in over ten years. Highlight: I don’t think I hurt anything.
Greetings Jenks CrossFitters. What a good gut check to start the day out with a 10K for time. However, I had to modify today’s WOD because I train our Cadet Ranger Challenge team on Tuesday’s. It was somewhat similar.
We conducted a Rattle/Battle Run. This is a 35 minute run at a fast pace 6:30-7:00 minute miles, however every 3-5 minutes you have to drop down and knock out 15 strict push-ups and then immediately get back up and run until time is complete. We ended up getting about 7K.
Once complete with the run we knocked out 2 x 200 meter sprints and miscellaneous exercises were performed. (i.e air squats, lunges, flutter kicks, more push-ups, flutter kicks etcetera).
Turned out to be a pretty good WOD, but I really wanted to see what my new 10K time would be. Will have to wait because I will not knock it out tonight due to the intensity of my morning PT.
What a great pic of a CrossFit Kid performing an L-Sit. Breck and Nicole sure are beautiful family oriented people. Run hard and Fast today CrossFit Jenk’s Clan.
Ran 4 miles in 45 minutes. That was enough for me. I look forward to completing a 10K run again. It has been years. This little run this morning was probably my longest run in over ten years. Highlight: I don’t think I hurt anything.
Greetings Jenks CrossFitters. What a good gut check to start the day out with a 10K for time. However, I had to modify today’s WOD because I train our Cadet Ranger Challenge team on Tuesday’s. It was somewhat similar.
We conducted a Rattle/Battle Run. This is a 35 minute run at a fast pace 6:30-7:00 minute miles, however every 3-5 minutes you have to drop down and knock out 15 strict push-ups and then immediately get back up and run until time is complete. We ended up getting about 7K.
Once complete with the run we knocked out 2 x 200 meter sprints and miscellaneous exercises were performed. (i.e air squats, lunges, flutter kicks, more push-ups, flutter kicks etcetera).
Turned out to be a pretty good WOD, but I really wanted to see what my new 10K time would be. Will have to wait because I will not knock it out tonight due to the intensity of my morning PT.
What a great pic of a CrossFit Kid performing an L-Sit. Breck and Nicole sure are beautiful family oriented people. Run hard and Fast today CrossFit Jenk’s Clan.
BW: 162 lbs; after the run
Age: 31
Did 10km on treadmill @ 0% incline
Time: 38:29
Modified “Diane”
Deadlift 115 lbs
Standard push-ups (No “girl” push-ups this time!)
21-15-9 reps, for time
All deadlift sets unbroken.