Tuesday, February 18, 2020

6min AMRAP:
-6 Front Squat 95/65 RX+115/75 MRX 75/55
-6 Push Press
-6 Back Rack Lunges (alt/sta)
Rest 3min
6min AMRAP:
-6 Hang Power Cleans
-6 Front Rack Lunges (alt/sta)
-6 HSPU RX+ 36′ HS Walk MRX 2/4″ Rise or 2 Wall Walks

21 thoughts on “Tuesday, February 18, 2020”

  1. BS/back rack lunge; FS/front squat lunge; OHS/OH lunge. Used 95# for all sets
    5/4; 3/4
    1st AMRAP rx: 6 rounds
    2nd AMRAP: rx weight. Subbed 2 wall walk for HSPU- 3 rounds

  2. Strength-
    Back squat/lunge 5/4- 135#. 3/2- 155#
    Front squat/lunge- same
    OHS/OH lunge 5/4- 115#. 3/2- 135#

    Wod Rx-
    1) 6 rounds
    2) 4 rounds + 4 HPC’s

  3. BS/lunge, FS/lunge:
    5/4 @ 65 3/2 @ 85
    5/4 @ 35 3/2 @ 55

    WOD 1 MRx
    5 rds + 3 Fr sq
    WOD 2 MRx weight, hspu 1 rd, sketchy wall climbs for the others
    3 rds + 3 FR lunges

  4. Strength-
    Back squat/OHS 5/4- 115#; 3/2- 185#
    Front squat/OHS- 5/4- 115#; 3/2- 185#
    OHS 9-115#; 5 – 135#

    Wod Rx but sub’d OHS for all lunges
    1) 6 rounds plus 3 FS
    2) 4 rounds + 6 HPC + 6 OHS

  5. Strength E2:30MOM (from the floor)
    5 Back Squat into 4 Back Rack Lunges@205#
    5 Front Squats into 4 Front Rack Lunges@185#
    5 OHS into 4 OHS Lunges@155# (squat snatched into)
    3 Back Squats into 2 Back Rack Lunges@225#
    3 Front Squats into 2 Front Rack Lunges@205#
    3 OHS into 2 OHS Lunges@185# (squat snatched into)

    As Rx’d with load and Rx+ with 36′ Handstand Walk on 2nd WOD
    Everything unbroken
    1: 7 Rounds + 2 Front Squats
    2: 5 Rounds + 2 HPC

  6. Strength:
    5 back squat, 2 lunges @165
    5 front squat, 4 lunges @125#
    5 ohs, 4 lunges @95#
    3 back squat, 2 lunges @ 145
    3 front squat, 2 lunges @ 145
    3 ohs @ 145, 2 lunges @95

    WOD Rx.
    1. 4 rnds + 1 lunge
    2. 3rnds even

  7. Strength-
    Back squat/lunge 5/4- 115#. 3/2- 115#
    Front squat/lunge- same
    OHS/OH lunge 5/4- 115#. 3/2- 115#

    Wod Rx-
    1) 4 rounds + 15
    2) RX+: 3 rounds
    (Worked on HS walk 36′)

    **Good job Rachel**

  8. Strength & Conditioning
    -the strength sets
    -strict pull-ups
    -over the bar burps

    WOD MRx (**wall walks in place of HSPU)
    1) 5rds + 3 Lunges
    2) 4rds + 1 Lunge

    jamie – she dishes out nightmares in her spare time! top notch!

    thanks breck!

  9. Strength:
    5 back squat, 2 lunges @135
    5 front squat, 4 lunges @135#
    5 ohs, 4 lunges @95#
    3 back squat, 2 lunges @ 135
    3 front squat, 2 lunges @ 135
    3 ohs @ 145, 2 lunges @75

    WOD Rx.
    1. 5 rnds + 7
    2. 4 rnds + 8 (PP instead of HSPU)

  10. Strength E2:30MOM (from the floor)
    5 Back Squat into 4 Back Rack Lunges@ 125#
    5 Front Squats into 4 Front Rack Lunges@ 115#
    5 OHS into 4 OHS Lunges@ 95# (squat snatched into)
    3 Back Squats into 2 Back Rack Lunges@145#
    3 Front Squats into 2 Front Rack Lunges@135#
    3 OHS into 2 OHS Lunges@115# (squat snatched into)

    As Rx’d with load and Rx+ with 36′ Handstand Walk on 2nd WOD
    8 rds + 4 FS
    5 rds + 6 FR lunges
    Thanks everyone for making sure I beat Breck!

  11. Strength: 2 rounds of
    BS/BL 5/4 @ 165#
    FS/FL 5/4 @ 135#
    OHS/OHL 5/4 @ 95#

    WOD Rx: (w/ handstand walks on 2nd WOD)
    6 rounds + 6 FS
    3 rounds

  12. Strength:
    Back squats: 180×8, 195×8, 220×6, 235×6
    Front squats: 165×5, 175×5, 185×5, 200×5

    WOD 1 RX: 5 rounds
    WOD 2 RX barbell with handstand walk: 3+5′ HS walk

  13. strength
    135 on the 5/4 rep combos
    185 on 3/2 rep front and back squat lunge combos
    155 on 3/2 rep overhead combo

    WOD Rx+
    5 even
    3 rounds 11 reps (5 lunges)

  14. Squats and Lunges
    BS & BR Lunges 5/4@105 3/2@115
    FS & FR Lunges 5/4@115 3/2@125
    OHS & OH Lunges 5/4@105 3/2@85

    WOD Rx
    7 + 6 FS (set BB down after round 5 but not again)
    3 + 6 HPC

    Tabata abs thanks for joining me V

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