September 13, 2018

Thursday 180913

Team WOD
“Cindy with a Friend” by DB
20min AMRAP:
-Partner A=200m Row or 0.5km A-Bike
-Partner B=1 Round of Cindy = 5 Pull-Ups RX+ C2B 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats RX+ Prisoner Air Squats
Then *Athletes slap hands and switch*
-Partner B=200m Row or 0.5km A-Bike
-Partner A=1 Round of Cindy = 5 Pull-Ups RX+ C2B 10 Push-Ups 15 Air Squats RX+ Prisoner Air Squats
Then *Athletes slap hands and switch*
Continue pattern for 20min

Post rounds and reps to comments.


September 13, 2018