For time:
21 Power snatch 95/65# Rx+115/80# MRX75/55#
15 Over the bar burpees
9 Squat snatch
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
15 Power snatch 115/80# Rx+135/95# MRX95/65#
10 Over the bar burpees
5 Squat snatch
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
9 Power snatch 135/95# Rx+155/105# MRX115/80#
6 Over the bar burpees
3 Squat snatch

Activator w/WOD loads
WOD Rx’d
WOD: MRX 13:43
Activator at WOD
2:36, end second 7:06, total time 10:36
EMOM for 3 mins: (All T&G)
4 snatch+3 squat snatch @95
2 min rest
EMOM for 3 mins:
3 snatch+2 squat snatch @115
2 min rest
EMOM for 3 mins:
2 snatch+1 squat snatch @135
Wod Rx’d
*all squat snatch T&G until last rep @135 (2/1)
Activator with Wod weight
Wod RX
2:22, end second 6:30, finish 10:39
That last weight was tough for me!
Great work, 6am!!
Way to tackle that 95#, Molls!
With WOD loads:
EMOM for 3 minutes:
4 Power snatch + 3 Squat snatch@95#
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
EMOM for 3 minutes:
3 Power snatch + 2 Squat snatch@115#
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
EMOM for 3 minutes:
2 Power snatch + 1 Squat snatch@135#
As Rx’d
1st round unbroken=2:17
2nd round power snatch in 10-5, everything else unbroken=2:01 (6:18 on clock)
3rd round power snatch in 6-3, everything else unbroken=1:32 (9:50 on clock)
Total time: 9:50-4:00(rest)=5:50
Activator at WOD weights
Wow RX
Total 10:08-4:00=6:08
EMOM for 3 minutes:
4 Power snatch + 3 Squat snatch@95#
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
EMOM for 3 minutes:
3 Power snatch + 2 Squat snatch@155
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
EMOM for 3 minutes:
2 Power snatch + 1 Squat snatch@185
Wod RX’d
11:31 – 4:00 7:31
Strength EMOM for 3 minutes:
4 Power snatch + 3 Squat snatch@55#
3 Squat snatch @75# singles
2 Squat snatch @95# singles
WODMrx: 10:03
Wod mrx
11:32 – 4:00 = 7:32
Good pic, Mike!
Activator w/ loads for wod
35lb-55lb-75lb w/ squat cleans for OHS
8:40-4:00 = 4:40
Activator with Wod weight
Wod RX
First round 1:52
Ended second at 5:55
Finish at 9:29 – 4:00= 5:29
The middle set of burpees had me close to death. Fun one!
Activator – 75/95/105
WOD with weights of 75/95/105
First round: 3:25
Ended Second at 9:26
Finished at 15:26 – 4:00 = 11:26
awesome job, kb! crushed it today! fun class – thx breck!
Strength w/55, 65, 65
WOD modified
w/55# for all, standard jump & clap burpee, sub power cleans for squat snatch
Finished at 12:31
Activator and WOD 85#, 85#, 95#
WOD, including rests 13:36
Activator at WOD weights
1) 2:04 (unbroken)
2) 1:54 (PS 10/5 then unbroken)
3) 1:17 (unbroken)
9:15- 4(rest) = 5:15
Round 1 end clock 2:04
Round 2 end clock 5:58
Round 3 end clock 9:15
Strength mrx load
WOD, mrx 14:04-4 min rest
Activator at WOD weights
1) 6:00 (PS 8/7/6 then 3/3/3)
2) 5:23 (singles)
3) 3:04 (singles then unbroken)
18:27 – 4:00 (rest) = 14:27
WOD rx
16:02-4 = 12:02
Modified – wrist
Activator w/Wod weights
Wod w/25#-30#-35# DB / burpees jumping over line
11:46 – 4:00 = 7:46
Alternated DB snatch rep for rep for power snatch
Right arm squat snatch rep for rep
EMOM for 3 minutes:
4 Power snatch + 3 Squat snatch@75
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
EMOM for 3 minutes:
3 Power snatch + 2 Squat snatch@105
Rest 2 minutes/make load adjustments
EMOM for 3 minutes:
2 Power snatch + 1 Squat snatch@135-155-175
Wod RX’d
Jiu-Jitsu – 1hr morning
WOD: slight mod
Squat cleans for squat snatch
Everything else as RX’d
10:47 – 4 = 6:47
Activator- subbed Sq Clean in place of Sq Snatch.
WOD MRX w/ Sq Clean instead of Sq Sn.
12:08-4(rest)= 8:08
Activator & wod mrx
16:27 – 4:00 = 12:27
Activator – 95/95/115
Wod Mrx
16:02-4= yup