Saturday, September 16, 2023

Happy Sweet 16, CrossFit Jenks! 

*Modified class times, no open gym. Join us for a fun celebration after the final workout!

5km Run for time

2 Intervals for time of:
21 Box jump overs 24/20”
15 Calorie Row
9 Burpee box jump overs
21 Box jump overs
15 Calorie Row
9 Burpee box jump overs
Rest until the 6 minute mark, then:
9 Burpee box jump overs
15 Calorie Row
21 Box jump overs
9 Burpee box jump overs
15 Calorie Row
21 Box jump overs
*12 minute time cap

Olympic Total
1 Rep Snatch (athlete gets 2 attempts)
1 Rep Clean & Jerk (athlete gets 2 attempts)

13 thoughts on “Saturday, September 16, 2023”

  1. 5k run:

    Intervals Wod Rx’d
    Interval 1: 4:29
    Interval 2: 4:53

    Olympic total:
    Snatch= 165, 185(f)
    C&J= 225, 235(f)
    Total= 390#

  2. Congrats on 16 years Nicole & Breck

    12,500m bike = 26:40

    1. 21-15-9 @ 5:44
    2. 9-15-21-9 @ 6:00

    Snatch 75, 80
    C&J 105, 115
    Total = 195

    Great job everyone.

    Thanks to everyone who came out to share in this fun day!

  3. Congratulations Breck & Nicole!!! Fun morning & celebration!

    Wod rx
    Interval 1: 5:50
    Interval 2: capped at 9/21 BJO
    Thanks for counting Jim! That about killed me.

    Ran 2 miles, snatched 100#, C&J 125# while friends loved on Rory 🙂

  4. WOD 1
    5K Run: 27:06

    WOD 2 Intervals
    Interval 1: 5:41
    Interval 2: 15 into the last 21 BJO

    WOD 3 Olympic Total
    Snatch: 100#
    Clean & Jerk: 130#
    Total: 230

    Happy Sweet 16 CF Jenks!
    Agreed! What a fun and special day this was. Thank you everyone! <3

  5. 5k

    Interval wod
    1)4/9 burpee bjo at cap
    2)10/21 bjo at cap

    Couldn’t stay for wod 3
    Happy sweet 16, CFJ! We are so happy to be a part of such a great gym family!!!

  6. 5k run:

    Intervals Wod Rx
    Interval 1: 5:26
    Interval 2: 19/21 BJO

    Olympic total:
    Snatch= 130, 135
    C&J= 175, 185 (got clean twice, failed jerk twice)
    Total= 310#

    Happy Sweet 16, CFJ!

  7. WOD#1
    CFJ 5km (3.2 mile course instead of 3.1)
    Time: 22:32

    1: 4:32
    2: 4:44
    Total time: 9:16

    Olympic Total
    Snatch: 185, 205(failed)
    C&J: 265, 285(made the clean and failed the jerk)
    Total: 450

    What a great 16th anniversary celebration! I am humbled and honored for the amazing community that has been created at CFJ over all these years. Thank you all for the fun filled day of 3 workouts and delicious food with the best people!

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