For time:Â
15 Strict HSPU’s or 5 Wall Climbs MRX 10 Strict HSPU’s or 3 Wall Climbs
200 Meter Sandbag Carry 80/50# MRX 50/35#
15 Strict HSPU’s or 5 Wall Climbs
200 Meter Sandbag Carry
15 Strict HSPU’s or 5 Wall Climbs
200 Meter Sandbag Carry
15 Strict HSPU’s or 5 Wall Climbs

EMOM bench 75#, T2B
Completed 14s, finished 15s at 20:40
WOD: Rx with wall climbs 12:06
EMOM: completed 13/15 bench at chime
WOD w SB and 5 WC: 13:34*, feet came down one time before both hands were on line
Wod: 12:19
1st round strict HSPUs remaining rounds kipping HSPUs
Activator completed w/ challenge @ #135
Activator bench w/75# & TTB
6/6 7/7 8/8 9/9 10/10 11/11 12/12 8/13 7/14 9/11
WOD 11:05
10 hspu w/ 1 ab mat & 10# plate
200m sandbag carry 50#
Bench w/ 155#
Completed through 12, did 10s after
6 T2B on odd minutes
Wod Rx w/ wall walks
ascending bench 135# starting with 6. Made it to 12 then did 10 for final 3 rounds
completed ascending T2B through 15
Wod RX
14:?? over 14:30 but under time cap
Bench 6 ea rd w/65# & 6 knee raises
WOD w/35# bag,
2 abmats HSPU
Bench Press: 10 sets: 6 reps 85#
T2B UB Sets: 6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15
WOD Rx’d: Strict HSPUs
Crushed it, Rachel B!
6 TTB all even
115# 6->15 reps
Wod modified
1 round push up
3 round knee push up
Woman’s sand bag
11:49 plenty of walking
Bench w/ 85#: Completed through 12 and then did 10 reps for remaining rounds
6 TTB each round
10 strict HSPU
200M sandbag run
5 wall climbs
200M sand bag run
8 strict HSPU- was at complete failure at 8 🙂
200M sand bag run
5 wall climbs
Thanks for sharing with me, Jamie!
Oops WOD time was
EMOM for 20 mins:
Odd: 10 BP@135 (all unbroken)
Even: 10 TTR (all unbroken)
Wod Rx’d w/ 5 wall walks ea. round
EMOM with 135# + T2B
completed round of 13, 10+10 last two rounds
First round 3 SHSPU + 4 wall walks, 5 ww remaining 4 rounds
EMOM for 20 Mins Alternating Bench w/ 185# & T2B
Start w/ 6 reps and add a rep each min
Completed through 12, did 8, 7, 6 on the last three sets of each
Wod Rx w/ wall walks
13:19 (I think)
Great pic, Camper – you the man!!
EMOM for 20 Mins Alternating Bench w/ 95# & T2B
*Stayed at 6 T2B each time
*Got through 10/15 Bench
WOD Rx (wall climbs)
shout out to Koleson – awesome job on those HSPU!! Fun class – thx breck!
8 bench @ 135#
8 toe-to-rings
For every round
All Unbroken
3 wall walks
80# sandbag 200m
EMOM for 20 minutes
Odd: BP @ 145# (reps starting at 6 increasing by 1 rep each round up to 15), completed 8/15.
Even: T2B (reps starting at 6 increasing by 1 rep each round up to 15), completed 15/15.
WOD Rx’d w/ 1 rd SHSPU, 3 rds of WW
EMOM for 20 minutes
Odd: 6 Bench Press (add 1 rep every minute)
Even: 6 T2B (add 1 rep every minute)
Did reps 6 through 10 with 155# and reps 11 through 15 with 135#.
Everything unbroken
As Rx’d
HSPU’s: Round 1 (unbroken), Rounds 2 & 3 (10-5) Round 4 (8-4-3)
Time: 13:38
4 mile run
Home session
Strength rx +
Bench 95#: completed 6+ 1 each round to 15 (broke up last two sets rest UB)
T2B: completed 6 + 1 each round to 15 (UB)
Wod as rxd
5 wall climbs + 200m wreck bag 35#* all I have at home
Heavier sandbag / swould have been game changer
WOD wall climbs 400m run without carry
Odd: 8 rep @ 135#
Even: 8 T2B
10 strict
80# sandbag 200 meter
5 wall walks
80# sandbag 200 meter
10 strict
80# sandbag 200 meter
5 wall walks
Wod RX’d w/strict HSPU
Capped on Wod had 1 rep left
20 minutes
6 bench @185# odd
6 toes to bar even
WOD as prescribed w/wall walks
Got up to 12 bench press and 12 toes to bar
Wall walks RX 9:56
20 emom alternating wxer
6 bench @85#
6 toes to bar 1st round, mix afterward
3 Wall Climbs first round, two afterwards
200 Meter Sandbag Carry 80#
In 13:33
started at 5s made it to round 11 on t2b and round 12 on bench
4 ww each round
80# sandbag for 200 m