Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of:
Run 800 meters
10 Deadlifts 315/215# MRX225/155#
Run 800 meters
50 Sit-ups Unanchored

Complete as many rounds as possible in 45 minutes of:
Run 800 meters
10 Deadlifts 315/215# MRX225/155#
Run 800 meters
50 Sit-ups Unanchored
4 rds + 400m
Did yesterday’s special birthday WOD
*w/ 95#
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Wod Rx’d
3 rounds+800m+10DL+400m
Wod w/185#
3+10 DL
3 Rounds + 800m + 10DL
As RX’d
3 rounds + 400M run
WOD 135# otherwise rx
3 rounds + 800m run, 10 DL, 400m run
3+ 10DL
3 rounds + 27 sit-ups. Used 275 on deadlifts.
3 rds + 800m + 4 DL
Muerte…took some time during the third round of deads to evaluate life choices…
At home
400m run
10 DL @ 155#
400m run
Sit ups
3 rds + 200m run
Sit-ups: 40 regular sit-ups first round then 50 sit-up slides rds 2 and 3
3 Rounds + 800m Run and 1 DL Rx
Wod Rx’d
3 rounds+800m+10DL+200m
As Rx’d
Rounds=4+600 Meter run
Intermediate with unanchored sit-ups.
3+800 meters+10 deadlifts
10 DL 155#
25 GHD
3 rounds
Wod with #275
4 rounds + 800M + 10 DL + 200M
3 rounds + run + DL + 100m
Started with DL 315 x 5 then 225 x 5 first round. 275 following rounds
WOD at home Rx
2 full rounds + 7 sit-ups
Had to get it in at home today. Great job Chrissy, way to keep moving!