Friday, September 1, 2023

For Labor Day, Monday, September 4th we are offering an 8am and 9am class.  All other classes are canceled.

3 Rounds for time of: 
21/16 Calorie Ski or Bike
15 Barbell Push-ups
9 Back Squats 165/115# Rx+205/135# MRX135/95

36 thoughts on “Friday, September 1, 2023”

  1. Garage WOD
    Back Squats
    Felt like a good place to stay with my hip issues. But on the mend soon.

    WOD Rx

    No abs today, showered and headed to hang with baby Rory so Mum can gym!

    Look out noon class!

  2. Strength: Back squats

    WOD Rx’d (ski)

    Strength: back squats

    WOD w/
    12 Cals (ski)
    15 BB push-ups
    9 back squat (45#)

  3. Squats

    WOD – 3 RFT
    21 bike cal
    15 barbell push-ups
    9 hang squat cleans @115

    Everything unbroken, slow bikes

  4. First class back!! thanks to Steph and Chrissy for watching Rory 🙂

    1 mile warm up

    Back squats
    5@ 95-105-105-105-115

    Wod MRX
    Ski & from rack

    1 Mile cool down
    5 weeks PP

  5. Back Squats
    5 sets of 5 w/65#
    WOD w/45#, push ups from knees, bike
    At time cap got only 2rds and 11 calories

    Welcome back Georgie!!! You are wonder woman!
    And those back squats Jordan!!
    Some amazing times and weight today

    Great class Nicki!

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