Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Gymnastics Chipper 2023 CF Games Age Group
For time: 
48’ Handstand walk MRX 100’ Bear crawl
30 Box jumps 30/24” MRX 24/20”
30 GHD sit-ups MRX Military sit-ups
30 Single-leg squats MRX Goblet squats 70/55# or 55/35#
30 Toes-to-bars MRX Knee raises
30 Single-leg squats
30 GHD sit-ups
30 Box jumps
48’ Handstand walk

29 thoughts on “Tuesday, September 26, 2023”

  1. Wod 13:31

    48’ Handstand walk
    30 Box jumps 24
    30 GHD sit-ups
    30 Single-leg squats
    30 Toes-to-bars
    30 Single-leg squats
    30 GHD sit-ups
    30 Box step ups 24
    48’ Handstand walk

    death by 10 meters

  2. Garage WOD: morning warm up

    5 rounds
    10 cal assault bike
    10 KB swings 53#

    5 rounds
    10 cal assault bike
    10 goblet squats 53#

  3. 48’ Handstand walk “unbroken”
    30 Box jumps 24
    30 GHD sit-ups
    30 Cossack squats
    30 Toes-to-bars
    30 Cossack squats
    30 GHD sit-ups
    30 Box step ups 24
    48’ Handstand walk “broken”

    Death by 10 meters = 14

  4. Good pic, Shawn! You the man!

    WOD w/ bear crawl, 55LB goblet squats, GHD’s, 24″ bj’s & 15/15 military situps/T2B

    Death by 10m
    Completed minute 14, 13/15
    **Rested 16th minute and remaining 4min did 10’s each minute

    shout out to jaimers – great job today!! thx breck – fun class!

  5. WOD mod
    8 cal Bike for HS walks
    30 30” BJ
    30 GHD
    30 70# KB goblet squats
    30 T2B
    30 70# KB goblet squats
    3 GHD
    30 30” BJ
    8 cal Bike

    Death by 10M
    Finished 14

  6. WOD heavily modified
    96’ bear crawl
    30 Box jumps 30″
    30 military sit-ups
    30 goblet squats w/ 55kb
    30 Toes-to-bars
    30 goblet squats w/ 55kb
    30 military sit-ups
    30 Box jumps 30″
    96’ bear crawls
    Time 14:13
    Death by 10 meters
    Completed 17

  7. WOD rx except some pistols stuff except
    Mostly did 5s not touching on right foot and touching in between each on left 5s. Exposed massive difference between my feet
    Did 13/13, skipped 14 and 15, then did 16/16
    Thanks for the encouragement today Koleson!

  8. WOD: MRX
    Bear crawls
    Military ab-mat sit ups
    30” box
    53# goblet squats

    Made it through 18/30 box jumps coming down

    Death by 10m
    11 rounds


    100’ near crawl
    30-30” Box step ups
    30 GHD’S
    30 pistols (could only do 2-3 on same leg)
    30 T2B
    30 pistols
    30 GHD’S
    30-30” Box step ups
    5’ into HSW at buzzer

    Death by 10 meters
    15 rounds

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