Wednesday 080924
“I Love Wallball”
For time:
2 CrossFit laps (med ball above the head with arms fully extended)
49 Wallball shots
49 Wallball push ups (hands on med ball while doing a push up)
49 Wallball skier jumps (med ball on the ground, jumping over it side to side in a skiing motion)
1 CrossFit lap
49 Wallball lunges (arms fully extended out in front with med ball)
49 Wallball sit ups
49 Wallball squat cleans
2 CrossFit laps
Complete your final lap in the doorway of the gym by slamming the medicine ball down and yelling “I LOVE WALLBALL!”
Choose your wallball and keep it throughout the whole workout.
Post time to responses.
Dr. Chad Craig is the mastermind behind this workout. He has lost a total of 49 lbs to reach a bodyweight of 299 lbs. He said once he achieved his goal of going below 300 lbs he wanted to make a workout. So the reps represent the 49 lbs lost and if you add all the reps together plus the 5 laps it equals 299 for his current weight. Congratulations Chad!!!
There will be no 9:30 am class this Saturday, September 27th. Instead we are going to be doing the “Fight Gone Bad III” fundraiser at 12:30 pm. There will be a cookout after the competition. We will provide the hamburgers and are leaving the side dishes up to you. This also means BYOB! Please post to responses if you will be attending and any side dishes if you plan on bringing one.
Hello CrossFit Jenks Crew,
Great Job on Malicious!!! I have performed that one before when it was first posted on CrossFit Jenks and it was truly “Malicious.” To think of it as a birthday gift is just beautiful. Only in the CrossFit world does this happen. I think I was lucky to finish in an hour. All of your times are great. Way to take on the wicked “Malicious” WOD.
Chad you are Bad (in a good way). Great Job on your accomplishment. Looks like one WOD where you all should have a ball!
Now Coach Berry has informed me some of the CFJ Crew may be participating in the “OkieDB’s 100 Day Go Home Burpee Countdown” that my wife thought would be a great idea to help us pass time until I return from this giant sandbox. I Love my Wife! I must say I am honored and I promise all of you that burpee in; she and I will do every one of these with you reaching that 5050th final burpee. As I ponder on this burpee challenge/countdown please do not hate me when it comes time to knock out >50 a day up to 100. This sounds brutal, painful, and masochistic to me. But I am sure it will help time fly and make me a CrossFit Burpee Master as well as you. I even received word that Mark, the number 1 Burpee Hater in the World, will also perform this. I am shocked and give Kudos to him and all of you that take on this countdown. Please enjoy your 100 day burpee baptism!
Mark has inspired me so much by burpeeing in that I created and named a WOD specifically for him. I developed this also keeping in mind his training environment/gym since he is not lucky enough to get to train in the state-of-the-art CrossFit Jenks Gym/facility. Mark this WOD was developed to work your whole body based off body weight utilizing functional movements. I know benchpress is not 100% functional but it applies to your training environment. Oh I almost forgot, it should be conducted at extremely high intensity! Please enjoy Mark and any other CFJ Crew if you give it a try.
I did perform this WOD to ensure it was fit for Mark. I promise Mark it works the whole BOD.
“Mark’s BOD WOD”
Complete the following reps 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 for time:
(complete all 5 exercises at 25 reps in the order listed then repeat working down to 5)
Deadlift (Bodyweight)
Benchpress (2/3 Bodyweight)
Situps (military style not GHD)
OkieDB TIME = 23:32 I used 185lbs on deadlift and 135lbs on benchpress. My body weight 178lbs.
Train Hard, Train Smart, Train to Survive! OkieDB Out
PS nice PIC on rest day Nicole of me dead on the ground after my double date with FRAN and HELEN “FRELEN” during my visit
I’m ready for Big Chad to get down to 199!
Chad – Kody and I won’t be there today, but I want to do this workout sometime. It sounds awesome in a very painful way! 🙂 Congratulations on reaching your goal!
On another note, I am bringing some FANTASTIC homemade guacamole to the cookout after FGB on Saturday. I could eat it by the spoonful, but I will try to restrain myself. We’ll probably show up with other stuff too…we like food a lot.
I’ve never wanted to curse someone as much as I did this morning. Congrats Dr. Chad on your progress.
34:22 w/ 14lb ball
Happy belated B-Day Jessie.
Holy Wallball! Way to go Dr. Chad.
OkieDB thanks for the WOD. I promise to do all 375 reps soon, and I will report back on my time.
Today I did CFWUx3 w/assisted pull-ups and dips
Then, I took on modified “Malicious”
I did
30 Thrusters (modified to 70lbs)
30 Pull-ups
30 Kettlebell Swings (modified to 45lb. dumbell)
30 Push-ups
30 Sit-ups
30 Burpees (Each one is misery)
30 Push Press (modified to 75lbs)
30 Knees to elbows
30 Wall ball shots (modified to 30x30lb. thrusters)
30 Double Unders (modified to 30 20″ box jumps)
My time: 39:11
“I Love Wallball”
Used a 20 lb ball
Time: 20:14
This was a real shoulder smoker!! I thought the laps around the building with the ball above my head would be the easiest and all I can say is that I was very wrong. Great workout Chad!
Congrats Dr. Craig! Awesome WOD!
We’re going to miss out this weekend as we’re out of town but good luck to everyone participating in the FGB!
35:04 w/ 14lb ball
Tough workout Chad!
36:17 w/ 20 lb. ball
congrats Chad! Great workout, the laps were LOVELY.
off to the Buckcherry concert, hopefully this wod won’t affect my ‘rockability’!
I Love Wall Ball!
“I Love Wallball”
Used a 10lb ball
Time: 28:07
Congratulations Dr. Craig!! That workout was BRUTAL!
“I Love Wallball”
Used 10 lb ball
Time: 27:10ish (disclaimer – ski jumps were one foot at a time)
Congratulations Dr. Craig, I’m looking forward to the next big milestone!
Thank you everyone for the nice Happy Birthday wish. We are so lucky to have such a supportive CrossFit crew. Thanks Tim, for the card.
See you all Saturday for FGB. Not sure what I’ll be bringing yet but probably a dip of some sort.
I don’t love wallball.
20# 42:16
Will return to Crossfit when I can lift my arms.
Must have been out of my mind when I wrote this WOD. THe next one I will write will be something along the lines of:
Sit for 10 minutes.
Drink some water.
Go home
Oh, that’s just wrong.
Which is exactly why we’ll be doing that workout here @ Next Generation CrossFit very soon!
Great job on the weight loss Dr. Craig! Very motivating!